LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.06.19 (07) [E]

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Mon Jun 20 03:43:40 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 19.JUN.2005 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary


Some of you might be interested in perusing my revised Middle English verse
rendition of the wren story:

Period script:

Modern Script:
[Rest your cursor (without clicking) on difficult words or phrases to see
their meanings in Modern English.]

Phonetic script:

Aside from changing a few small details, I have added, in the style of the
period, a "seasonal introduction".

By the way, note the many words and forms absent from or archaic in Modern
English that in Middle English have surviving cognates in modern Lowlands
varieties, not only in Scots but also in Continental Lowlands varieties.
Some of these are a bit disguised, are not so obvious, such as (in the first
verse) _foth on_ '(he/she/it) begins' which has undergone Ingveonic-type /N/
deletion, derived from *_fonth on_ < *_fongth on_ < *_fongeth on_; cf. Dutch
_(hij/zij/het) vangt aan_, Low Saxon _(hey/sey/it/dat) vangt an_, German
_(er/sie/es) fängt an_.

Note also these:

oueral (> overall) 'everywhere' (cf. Dutch _overal_, Low Saxon _oever al_,
German _überall_)

wurthen 'to become' (cf. Dutch _worden_, Low Saxon _warden_, German

uhten-tyd 'early morning', 'dawn' (cf. Dutch _oggend_, Low Saxon _ucht_)

un-wight 'evil creature', 'ogre', 'monster' (Low Saxon _unwicht_, German

gloppen 'to stare' (Low Saxon _glupen_)

bynne(n) 'inside' (cf. Dutch/Low Saxon _binnen_); _ferne_ 'far' (cf. Dutch
_ver_, Low Saxon _veyrn(e)_, German _fern(e)_)

umb 'around' (cf. Dutch _om_, Low Saxon _üm_ (< umbe), German _um_ (<

herne 'corner' (cf. Low Saxon _hoyrn(e)_)

rygge 'back' (cf. Dutch _rug_, Low Saxon _rüg(ge)_, German _Rücken_)

yerne 'willingly' (cf. Dutch _geern_, Low Saxon _geyrn(e)_, German

Feel free to enjoy (if you can)!
Oh, and bear in mind that in Middle English all those unstressed "e"s had
hardly begun to be dropped and thus still counted in verse rhythm, also that
most French loanwords had not yet begun to undergo Germanic stress
assignment; e.g.,

   Whan Winteres myghte foth on dwindle
   And oueral foweles nede kindle
   Wurth myld agayn Godes Nature,
   A-wakeneth ech creature.


*  hwan "wInt at rIs "mICt@ fo:T On "dwIndl@
   and ove"raL "fow at lIs "ne:d@ 'kIndl@
   wUrT mILd a"gaIn "god at s na"tjy:r@
   a"wA:k at nIT etS krea"tjy:r@


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