LL-L "Phonology" 2005.03.09 (06) [E]

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Wed Mar 9 22:17:24 UTC 2005

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From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2005.03.09 (04) [E]

Hi all,
Gary wrote, (according to Críostóir),
"I've never heard 've' for 'the' - Initial voiced 'th' has actually lost its
fricative feel".
Perhaps not exactly related, but this form is sometimes evident
amongst certain Afrikaans speakers who have not quite mastered
the pronunciation of "th" . (The phenomenon is not to be confused
with being uneducated.)

Example: There is a problem wiv ve pumping mechanism in one of ve vertical



From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: "Phonology" [E]

> From: Helge Tietz <helgetietz at yahoo.com>
> Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2005.03.08 (11) [E]
> "Th" being replaced by a v or f-like sound in Newcastle? Nee way man, I
> lived for a long time in the toon and I never heard a Geordie replacing a
> with v or f, in fact I think they have the most "correct" th-pronunciation
> of all, even post-vocalic th in words such as "bath" or "south" it is
> distinctive "th" unlike most other variants of English, famously Tynemouth
> is exactly pronouced Tyne-mouth and not Tynemif as it would be in the
> Perhaps the informand of the Newcastle v/f-th-pronunciation was a student
> from the south. The southern v/f-pronunciation is occasionally a feature
> make fun of southernes when they would say "I bought free ice-creams"
> instead of "I bought three ice-creams" and the usual reply is "why did you
> buy them if they were for free?".


And this replacement doesn't happen in Scotland at all.

Newcastle is said to be the last major English city where the th>(v,f)
doesn't occur. It's still rare in the South West and Wales, though it's
creeping in. Hampshire has fallen! In Southampton people have actually
mistaken me for Death because when somebody tells them I'm deaf, and they
see the way I'm dressed, they think it's my IRC nick or something. I suppose
not many people can say they regularly get mistaken for the Grim Reaper.

Mind you, I have a similar problem with SMS, where my mobile phone's
autocomplete produces "dead" instead of "deaf". Many, many times I've nearly
texted someone to ask if they were going to the "Dead Club" or to explain
that "I can't phone, I'm dead." I haven't actually pressed the send button
without noticing and making the correction yet, but it seems like an
accident waiting to happen  :)


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