LL-L "Orthography" 2005.03.17 (01) [E]

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Thu Mar 17 15:34:31 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 17.MAR.2005 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2005.03.16 (07) [E/LS]

Thanks again, Reinhard. As you have seen by now I wrote the Low Saxon
translation in AS, without problems.

But then I have a question for Henry Pijffers about his spelling of the
Twente Wren version. Is this in AS too? Because although Twente LS - as
Achterhook LS and in fact all Western LS varieties in the Netherlands - is
famous for its long monophthongs, Henry writes things like
hey, sey, wey, dey, eyn for [e:] with ey in stead of e; kleinen in stead of
kleynen for [Ei];vloyg, loeywe, loyp, soyken for[ø:]with oy in stead of oe.
And also noes with oe in stead of ö; skueppe, uem, sprueng, ruegge, beguen,
kuemp with ue in stead of ü; aetten, braekke, maenke for short [E] in stead
of e; stearen, mear, weast [E:] with ea in stead of ae.
sin, nit in stead of syn, nyt; thus, hus in stead of t'huus, huus; wur in
stead of woor, wyr in stead of weer etc.

I only know Henry's version without sound recording, but I'm pretty sure how
it must sound. But the orthography is quite different still from both
Dutch-based and German-based spellings, from the special Twente spelling and
from AS too.

Reinhard answered my question re orthography:

>>We no longer use <öy>, use <oy> instead, which stands for either [9.I] or
>[O.I] in the dialect range (e.g., <boym(')> 'trees', pl. of <boum>, <voyt>
>'feet', pl. of <vout>).  What we write as <ou> is realized as [o.U] or as
>[a.U], depending on the dialect. Many dialects have lost the difference
>between it and monophthong <oo> (e.g., <dood> 'dead' [do:t], now often
>[do.Ut] ~ [da.Ut]). <ö> is only used for the short [9] (e.g., <köst>
>'fare').  <oe> stands for the long monophthong [ø:] ~ [9:] (e.g., <droeg'>
>'dry').  In our dialects there are differences like <beden> [be:d=n] ~
>[bE:d=n] 'to pray', 'to request' vs <beyden> [bE.Id=n] ~ [ba.Id=n] 'to
>offer'.  (Groningen dialects are [a.U] and [a.I] dialects.)
>If there is no such difference in yours, then don't make this difference
>artificially in writing.  You'll still be understood.  In fact, most people
>in Germany don't make the difference in writing even though they do so in
>speaking; they write <beden> for both <beden> and <beyden>.  I do not
>advocate this.
>Basically, don't write as a diphthong what in your dialect is a
>and vice versa. The orthographic differences will be no greater than the
>phonetic differences.  If I write <boum> and you write *<boom> for 'tree'
>we'd still understand each other.  If you make a *phonemic* difference in
>your dialect, then represent it in writing.  Do not represent phonetic
>"bells and whistles," such as lengthening before sonorants; e.g., <land>
>rather than *<laand> for [la.nt] 'land', <hart> rather than *<haart> for
>[ha:t] 'heart', and <kray> rather than *<kraay> for [kra.I] 'crow', unless
>these clearly contrast with short versions (i.e., [an], [a] and [aI]
>respectively in this case).

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