LL-L "Delectables" 2005.05.11 (11) [E]

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Wed May 11 20:11:48 UTC 2005

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From: James Campbell <james at zolid.com>
Subject: LL-L "Deletables" 2005.05.11 (10) [E]

I see that this thread has now become 'Deletables'. I guess the 'c' was
deletable, anyway :)


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
James Campbell                              james at zolid.com  www.zolid.com
Boring, but a cool boring.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Deletables" 2005.05.11 (10) [E]

Ron, if this thread is "deletable", then why did you post it in the first
place? :-))

Gabriele Kahn

P.S. I don't think we can get the sugar replacement you mentioned in
Germany. I usually bake with fructose. Unfortunately, I am not allowed any
saturated fat (well, very little) or cholesterol either... good thing I
really like raw carrots.


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Delectables

>I see that this thread has now become 'Deletables'. I guess the 'c' was
> deletable, anyway :)

> Ron, if this thread is "deletable", then why did you post it in the first
> place? :-))

All right, all right!  So you had your bit of fun, children.  I was just
checking if anyone was paying attention.  Check for the peanut gallery.  I
mean "check *mark*."

Gabriele, fructose is pretty much as "good" as sugar, and I get scolded if I
eat too many carrots, because of their high sugar contents, same thing with
most fruit.

Actually, they are now beginning to sell Splenda in Germany (see
http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=31820&item=5578947014&tc=photo ,
http://www.splenda.com/), and I guess the price will gradually come down, as
it has here.  It tastes pretty much like sugar, without any weird bitterness
or things that give you cancer or make your brains rot.  But we'll see.

The Chef's tip of the day for peanut gallery members:
To keep carbs down, I mix protein powder in with the flour for baking.  (The
less flour the less sugar conversion.)   It works.  You could easily make a
dough like this with some oil, (optionally a tablespoon of plain yoghurt)
and some sweetener (and perhaps some nuts, preferably walnuts), mix it only
lightly, without any kneading, and stick it in the fridge to cool.  Chuck
your fruit into a glass or stoneware (not aluminum!) baking dish, sprinkle
some sweetener on top, casually whack a few dollops of dough on top (perhaps
some more nuts), shove it in the oven, and ... Bob's your uncle.  There you
have it: pseudo-cobbler on the run -- delectable even without the
deletables.  Once in a while I make apple crisps in like manner, just with
flattened oat meal mixed with some oil, sweetener and cinnamon, sprinkled as
crackle on top.  It makes a great quick desert that even we can eat.  (Not
all the carbs of the oat flakes get absorbed, especially if you coat them
with oil.)  I also make it with blackberries.

Have I inspired you?  Will deletable odors whaft through your new digs
tonight, Gabriele?


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