LL-L "Etymology" 2005.10.31 (011) [D/E]

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02 November 2005 * Volume 11

From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.11.02 (06) [E]

Luc wrote:
> In Flanders we still use the word "ajuin" in our daily Dutch vocabularium.
> In our own dialect we rather say "anjoen / andjoen". We even have some
> sayings:
> -andjoens zaaien =  vloeken (E: to curse)
> -gekleêd zijn lik ne rauwn andjoen = veel kleren aanhebben (E: to be
> very warmly)
> -andjoens in de maone zaoien = met gedachten bezig zijn die bij de zaak
> horen, of, iets willen doen dat onmogelijk is (E: to try to do the
> impossible)

Jazooo... I've only seen it written, and somehow I thought the stress would
be on the second syllable. But if you stress the first syllable, "ajuin"
sounds just like "uien", and "anjoen" sounds just like "onion". So, can you
tell me how to pronounce this? I've only seen it written, after all.

Gabriele Kahn


From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.11.01 (11) [E/LS]

for Jonny Meibohm re:
Pudeln; I know this in Dutch as poedelen = to wash yourself ( probably
somewhere outside or under a faucet ) hence poedelnaakt
( naked).
quaggeln: I know this in Dutch as kwakkelen. like in a: Deze winter is een
kwakkel winter ( One day it's cold, the next day it's warm again and the
canals do not freeze over. And we are certainly not going to have a "Elf
Steden Tocht (skating race along the eleven old towns of the province of
Friesland )
a. Het kind is echt aan het kwakkelen ( being ill a lot, getting better and
then getting ill again. Never seriously enough to go to the hospital, but
missing a lot of school. )


From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.11.01 (11) [E/LS]

Leeve Reini,

Du schreevst:

> "Pudeln" kun vun _pudel_ af-kamen.  Pudels sünd je nu water-hunden (un
> daar
> wegen hebt sey ook haar an staats vun vel).
Wat de Pudel-Hunnen Hoor un' keen Fell hebbt, wüss' ik amend ne.
Man- et'moloogsch' haar ik docht, _pudeln_ kunn ouk woll wat mit 'paddeln'
tou krieg'n hebben. Man- de Pudel is'n oul Ort Hund...!

> "Kwaggeln" kun "kwakkeln" ween, vun _kwacken_ (<quacken> as vun aanten)
> af-kamen mit /-l-/ as "frekwentyv" ("in eynsen tou kwakken").
Jo- un' jüst op disse Wiis hebb ik dat ouk in mien Kopp: 'dumm Tüch
snacken'! Anner Lüüd hebbt mi dat mit dat 'unstet ween' vöörsnackt, un' ik
kann dor jümmer noch 'ne recht an glöven.

Wees bedankt föör Diin Pedant'rii, griemel!

Dien 'Plattpedant':

Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Griemel?!  Kriggst glieks een up de Priemel!


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