LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.11.18 (04) [E/Papiamentu]

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Fri Nov 18 21:08:04 UTC 2005

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18 November 2005 * Volume 04

From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L "Anniversary" 2005.11.18 (03) [E]

Wow, a Papiamento version! I'm apsolutemente not fluent in it, but have
some general knowledge about this wonderful Creole, from the time I lived
with my Arubian financee. I can see this is the Curaçaoëño version of
Papiamentu. A few remarks, things I noticed just reading:

wowonan, not * wowoan = eyes
wowo = eye (<Sp. ojo), nan = they, wowo+nan = plural, "them eyes"

nan ta bisa, e ta bisa, papa Ch. ta regresá etc =
they say (are saying), he says (is saying), father Wren is coming back etc
"ta" (<Port. está = is) lit. = is, but like in all Caribean and African
Creoles,a verb marker is always needed for the present verb.
The past is "tabata" (Port estava): e tabata bisa = he said, was saying

I'd say:
mi BAI fangu esei mònster, in stead of: mi LO fangu ...
bai = go (<Port. vai = goes) for the immediate future, lo (Port. logo =
soon) for the later future, or imaginary future (later, I will be a doctor)

bo TIN nada pa buska ei, instead of: bo A nada ...
"tin" = have (<Port. tem = has), A = have in verbs (<Sp./Pt hay/há?)

I think they usually say chikí = small, little, not chikitu, although both
are right


e Chuchubi a hasi SU neshi, in stead of DJÉ ...
"djé" is used more in the sentences like:
e neshi di djé =  the nest of him = his nest
looks very much like Portuguese <o nidos de ele>, because Portuguese
"o seu nidos" means your nest, not his.
Pap. di djé = from di + di e, di = of (Port. de), e = he/she (Port. ele).
But in Papiamento you can just say "su ..."

I also think to remember that it's rather "duná le" than "duna e", so LE
with an L after a vowel.

nan ker a ...   in stead of  nan a ker ...
in this case, = they wanted to..., "a" is placed after "ker", same
with "por" = to be able

for "brabu i teribel" Pap. probably will have "brabu KU teribel"
ku (Port. com = with) is used for "and" in cases like this.

But, as I said, I'm not fluent in Papiamento, never was, and it's more
than 15 years ago that I was in touch with it a lot. So a native speaker
could add a lot more

But, still hope it helps

E Chuchubi

E Chuchubi a hasí djé neishi den e barak di garoshi. Un día e mayónan
ambos a hisa leu. Nan a ker na haña kuminda pa nan yiunan, í e pober
chikitu muchanan keda den e neishi kompletamente so.

Despues un kòrtiku tempu Papa Chuchubi regresá kas.

"Kí a pasa aki?" e bisa, "Kén a ofendé abo, muchanan? Bo ta mashá miedoso!"

"O, pai!" nan bisa, "Hustamente un mònster grandi a aparesé desde. E a
parse asina brabu í teribel, í e a hap den nos neishi ku djé wowoan
grandi! P'esei nos ta awó asina mashá miedoso!"

"Aha!" Papa Chuchubi bisa, "í unda e ta awó, esei desgrasiado?"

"Bon," nan bisa, "e sigui esei kaminda, abou den esei direkshon."

"Warda aki!" e papa bisa, "ami lo persiguí e. Ta ketu awó, muchanan, í no
ta intrakil! Ami lo fangu esei mònster."

Anto e hisa patras.

Kuandu e bini desde e skina e mira un leon kamna den esei kaminda.

Ma Papa Chuchubi no ta miedoso. E hisa riba na e lomba di e leon í kuminsa
reprochá, "Pakíko bo a bini na mi kas í spanta mi chikitu muchanan?
Dikon?! Awó nan ta henter hopi miedoso!

E leon no tendé na e chikitu pára, net dura kamna den e kaminda.

Esaki kousa e chikitu pára wapu reprochá e leon ainda mas
furiosamente. "Bo a nada pa buska ei! Apsolutamente nada. Í p'esei bo a
apsolutamente nò drechi pa ta ei. Í si bo bini atrobe ... Bon, anto abo lo
mira kíko pasa. Mi nò gustosamente hasi tal kos," e bisa í subi un di djé
pía, "ma mi kier fásilmente kibre bo lomba ku esaki pia!"

Anto e regresa na djé neishi.

"Ata, muchanan!" e bisa, "Ami a duna e un les. E lo bolbe nunka mas."


From: R. F. Hahn <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net>
Subject: Anniversary

Kerido Ingmar,

Danki shon! Ami apreciá bo afabilidat. Ami lo hasi e kambionan kuandu ami 
haña e tempu.  Ta e permissible si ami menshoná abo ban un di dos traduktor? 
E kier ta un honor, í e ta mehor kuandu dos gai dividí e kulpa kuandu e 
Polis di Papiamentu yega fo'i e antia.  (Ami lo manda henter keho ku bo.) 

Danki tambe pa kada bon kosnan esei abo hasi, Ingmar, mi kompai, awor í den 
e benidero -- í no ta lubidá: ami gusta í apreciá abo altamente.

Ku afabel konsideránan fo'i bo amigu í kompatriota lingwístiko,

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