LL-L "Botanica" 2005.10.05 (05) [E/LS]

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Wed Oct 5 21:24:27 UTC 2005

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05 October 2005 * Volume 05

From: Críostóir Ó Ciardha <paada_please at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Botanica" 2005.10.05 (03) [E]

Ron wrote:
oenyn (?)"

Manx English-based spelling creates difficulties for those used to Irish or 
Scottish Gaelic, but "oenyn" looks like the plural of "one" (Ir. aon, SGael. 
aon). Manx plurals, like Scottish Gaelic, are usually formed through 
addition of the suffix "-an" written in Manx orthography as "-yn". I doubt 
"ones" would be a botanical name, though...

"Scottish Gaelic:

bainne bò buidhe ("good cow’s milk"?)
buidheachan bò bliochdm ("good cow’s milk"?)
mùisean ("(plant of) dread/repugnance"?)
seichearglan ("fine/bright cube"?)

First can mean either "yellow cow's milk" or "good cow's milk" depending on 
how you want to interpret it - Ir. báinne bó buí. The word buí literally 
means "yellow" but as a syllable is found in buíoch ("thank") and buíochas 
("thanks") and has connotations of goodness, wholesomeness, thankfulness. At 
least to me it does.

Buíochas agat!



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Botanica

Thanks, Críostóir.

> Manx English-based spelling creates difficulties for those used
> to Irish or Scottish Gaelic, but "oenyn" looks like the plural of "one"
> (Ir. aon, SGael. aon). Manx plurals, like Scottish Gaelic, are usually
> formed through addition of the suffix "-an" written in Manx
> orthography as "-yn". I doubt "ones" would be a botanical name,
> though...

Well, see:
> Russian: первоцвет _pervocvet_ ("primary flower")

Perhaps "the number-ones"? :-)  There seems to be some sort of folkloristic 
thing about getting through Heaven's gate, these being the keys, lots of 
little keys, being the ones, the ones first to go(?).

Where are our folklorists and mythologists when we need them?

Wondering ...


From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Botanica" 2005.10.05 (03) [E]

He, jii Botanikers, altohoup,

weyt jii ouk, wat LS:'Roehrkohl' is??

Heff 'ck all vöör 'n lange Tied mol no froogt, un' bithertou keyn Anter opp

Hey wasst in 't Watt, dicht bii't Hingt, ne tou wiid aff van de
Affbruchkant, un de beste Tied föör de Oornt is in 'n Juni. Smeckt (mit eyn
ennig Stück Speck doortou) meist jüst sou as Groenkohl.
Opp Houghdyytsch schull ick em woll 'Rohrkohl' benömen- man hey is naarms
tou finnen in 't Internet..

Soltig Greutens tou de Water-Lowlanners, achtern Diek

Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm 

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