LL-L "History" 2005.10.06 (08) [E]

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 06 October 2005 * Volume 
From: WALTERG580 at aol.com <WALTERG580 at aol.com>Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 
2005.10.03 (01) [E/German]
Hello all
There were times in history when population presures did cause a mass 
movement of tribes the Visagoths for instance were fleeing an onslaught
of steppe Tribes when they crossed enmasse into the Empire, although it
may have taken one or two generations. Still a mass movement.
[Walter Gamble]

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: History
Hi, Walter! Nice to hear from you.

> There were times in history when population presures did
> cause a mass movement of tribes

Right, and not even so long ago we've witnessed mass expulsions of an 
archaic type.  There is the great "relocation" ("Indian Removal," "The Trail 
of Tears") of several entire indigenous North American nations, foremost the 
"Five Civilized Tribes" (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole) – 
one of the greatest crimes committed by a U.S. president, in defiance of a 
Supreme Court ruling against such actions. (Andrew Jackson: "Justice 
Marshall has issued his opinion. Now, let him enforce it." Nice piece of 
work!)  Now, imagine all those people migrating westward, most of them on 
foot, carrying their young, old and belongings!
In the 20th century there were the Holocaust and Stalin's eastward 
relocation of entire ethnic groups.  However, most of this was accomplished 
by means of trains.  However, there was the _de facto_ expulsion of 
"Germans" from Poland, Kaliningrad, the Baltic States and Czechoslovakia at 
the end of World War II, and the greater part of that took place much like 
those ancient migrations and like the Trail of Tears.  The ones that had 
bicycles and baby pushers on which to push along the young, the old and 
their few belongings where the lucky ones.  I knew a family of which the 
mother and three children walked and carried all the way from Riga to 
Hamburg ... 

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