LL-L "Orthography" 2005.09.27 (01) [E/Irish]

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Tue Sep 27 14:39:20 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 27.SEP.2005 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Críostóir Ó Ciardha <paada_please at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2005.09.26 (09) [E/Irish]

Scríobh ár Isaac:
"Sin an fuaimniú a dhéanaim. An bhfuil sé an-an-deacair, i ndáiríre? Ina 
theannta sin, nach raibh sé mar [aD] as Sean-Ghaeilge?"

Bhí sé [aD] sa Shean-Ghaeilge, cinnte. Word final [aD] agus [aG] a chónaisc 
mar [a] i n-Uladh agus i gConnacht, ach i Mhumhain [aG] go fóill ann. Bhí an 
fhoirm Shean-Ghaeilge í fhéin fás ón [ad] na gCéad-Ghaeilge. Mar deir thú, 
deireadh fhocail [u] sa Ghaeilge na nUladh d'fhás ón measc de -adh 
agus -amh. I nginiréal, deireadh fhocail -agh atá cuid de [í] nó [ai] 
labhartha, mar shampla i n- 'Éireannaigh' agus i t- 'staighre'. Tá [gh] ag 
fadó freisin, mar sa /o/ i bh- 'foghlaim'.

It was [aD] in Old Irish, certainly. Deireadh fhocail [aD] and [aG] 
coalesced as [a] i Ulster and Connacht, but in Munster it is still [aG]. The 
Old Irish form was itself a growth from [ad] in Proto-Irish. As you say, 
word-final [u] in Ulster Irish developed from a mixing of -adh agus -amh. In 
general, word final -agh- is part of spoken [í] or [ai], for example in 
'Éireannaigh' and in 'staighre'. [gh] also lengthens, as in the /o/ in 

Go raibh maith agat,


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