LL-L "Anniversary" 2006.04.25 (01) [D/E/V]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Tue Apr 25 16:03:08 UTC 2006

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

L O W L A N D S - L * 25 April 2006 * Volume 01

From: "Roland Desnerck" <desnerck.roland at skynet.be>
Subject: LL-L "Anniversary" 2006.04.23 (04) [D/E/LS]

Beste Lowlanders, beste ijverige Ron,
Ik heb "Het winterkoninkje" in het Nieuwpoorts beluisterd. Die stad bevindt
zich op 18 km van Oostende en heeft bijna hetzelfde dialekt. Misschien dit:
het vogeltje heet bij ons "pietekeuntsje". De pietekeuntsjes weumm dikkers
in hoetvumm voe 't vernienk: de winterkoninkjes wonen vaak in houtstapels
voor het venijn!
Roland Desnerck


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary

Bedankt, beste Roland.  Ik ben niet volledig zeker.  Wil je een
dialectverschil of een fout uitleggen?

Folks, in the meantime we have posted several new versions of the story. 
The latest is our Lone's Sardinian translation (Tak ska' Du ha', Lone!). 
Preceding it, there was a translation into African American Vernacular
English (Ebonics), possibly to be followed by an audio file.  And with
this I may introduce to you Tyson Taylor, our fellow Lowlander ("An
American in Amsterdam") who has been around for a while and decided to
come out of the shadows of lurkdom.  Please give him a hearty welcome and
a round of applause for presenting something of the Afro-Lowlandic aspect,
something we haven't dealt with in earnest so far.  Hopefully this is only
the beginning.  I thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with Tyson, especially
on the language description.  Clearly, he's a very pleasant guy to have
around.  If all goes according to plan, Tyson will introduce himself in
the "People" section, and hopefully this will entice others to follow

The general URL: http://www.lowlands-l.net/anniversary/

List of recent additions: "What's New?"

The server seems a bit slow and weird since yesterday afternoon my time.
Furthermore, we're just about to switch over to the remodelled version of
the site, in time for our 11th anniversary month (May 2006).  This may
mean that pages sometimes load slowly, incorrectly or not at all.  We
apologize about the inconvenience and ask you to keep trying.

In the meantime, please keep the translations, audio files, pictures and
other goodies coming, and keep soliciting such material among your

Please remember that this site enjoys much and growing popularity,
receives thousands of "hits" per day and is linked to from a number of
educational sites.  Every page receives a visitor almost every day.  So
here's your chance to do your bit toward promoting your language varieties
or other language varieties you care about, a chance to help lift the veil
of ignorance, a chance to help increase international appreciation of
linguistic diversity and to help decrease notions of "the good, the bad
and the ugly."

I end quoting my own propaganda:

"ALL languages and dialects are beautiful, precious gifts. So cherish
yours and others! Share them with the world!"

Thanks and regards,

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