LL-L "Idiomatica" 2006.02.14 (03) [E]

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Tue Feb 14 18:40:41 UTC 2006

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14 February 2006 * Volume 03

From: Hugo Zweep <Zweep at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L "Idiomatica" 2006.02.14 (01) [E]

Mark, what Ron is saying about us in the Oz sleeper cell is that we are
playing possum.

Again, because possums are well hidden and don't let themselves be seen as
they sleep during the day, so it is said of us humans that we are "playing
possum" when we should be speaking up or letting ourselves be known.

Mind you, possums probably sleep so heavily because they do rather cavort
during the night. All their inhibitions seem to go when they tramp over our
corrugated iron roof and, recently, one obviously enjoyed climbing to the
top of our roof pitch and sliding down with opened claws; repeatedly.

Hugo Zweep


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Idiomatica

Crikey, Hewg!  How could I have forgotten to mention *you*?!  (That's the 
trouble with starting to name names. Right?)  And you're not even a real 
sleeper (though you *are* a possum in the sense of Dame Edna's usage of the 
word, and a great sport too).  I'm sorry.  Fair dinkum.  Now I hope you'll 
let me off the hook soon so I don't have to keep on pissing in yer pocket, 
mate!  ;-)



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