LL-L "Folklore" 2006.01.30 (06) [E]

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Mon Jan 30 01:33:39 UTC 2006

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 30 January 2006 * Volume 05

From: Tom Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2006.01.30 (02) [E]

On 30/01/2006, at 8:54 AM, Heather Rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com> 
  When the ravens leave the Tower, England falls.... taking us all with it!

Sooner the better Heather then us SCOTS will assume power at long last. :-)


Tom Mc Rae

Brisbane Australia

Oh Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us

Tae See Oorsel's as Ithers See Us

Robert Burns


From: Tom Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2006.01.30 (02) [E]

Hardly so in the case of one ignorant moron who asked a 
Singaporean/Australian girl I know where she came from.
When she said 'Australia' this 'diplomat', in from of the crowd, did an 
impersonation of hobbling around with a ball and chain.
I wish he'd tried that on me !

On 30/01/2006, at 8:54 AM, R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>

  I've got to confide that I've always had my doubts about those Beefeaters. 
Whilst I found them to be fair and even somewhat entertaining tourist 


Tom Mc Rae

Brisbane Australia

Oh Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us

Tae See Oorsel's as Ithers See Us

Robert Burns


From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2006.01.30 (02) [E]

> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Folklore

> their real jobs are of a highly secretive nature.  Mind that they
> aren't called "Ravenfeeders" but "Beefeaters."  And who really knows
> what sort of actual service that stands for?  I am surprised that they
> have not been implicated in some conspiracy theory or other, such as
> that of the offline US political activist Lyndon LaRouche who was
> brave enough to try to expose a worldwide drug-pushing plot instigated
> and directed by no less than Henry Kissinger and the Queen, a most
> notorious duo indeed.  In fact, one might go as far as suspecting an
> outer-space alien connection there.

Of course there is, we're all the way up to Hyperdrive!

Sandy Fleming
"Protecting Britain's interests in a changing galaxy"


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Folklore

Awrigh' then, Sandy ...

Personally, being more down to earth, I believe that there's a conspiracy 
connection between the Beefeaters, Henry Kissinger, ER, the Roswell 
cover-up, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Shroud of Turin, the Yeti, Sasquatch 
and Loch Ness Monster truth suppression, the Knight Templars and the Holy 
Grail, not to mention Rupert Murdoch, Martha Stewart, Dr. Spock and the 
Teletubbies.  We'd do well stocking up on aluminum foil.

Ben, the Tower offers indeed more thrills than mere everyday torture and 
beheadings.  To avoid reinventing the wheel, I'm presenting to you the 
following from


It is not known when the ravens first came to the Tower of London, but their 
presence there is surrounded by myth and legend. Unusually for birds of ill 
omen, the future of both Country and Kingdom relies upon their continued 
residence, for according to legend, at least six ravens must remain lest 
both Tower and Monarchy fall.

The first Royal Observatory was housed in the north eastern turret of the 
White Tower.  Legend has it that John Flamsteed (1646 - 1719), the 
'astronomical observator' complained to King Charles II that the birds were 
interfering with his observations. The King therefore ordered their 
destruction only to be told that if the ravens left the Tower, the White 
Tower would fall and a great disaster befall the Kingdom.  Sensibly the King 
changed his mind and decreed that at least six ravens should be kept at the 
Tower at all times to prevent disaster.

The Raven Master Derrick Coyle is a Yeoman Warder or 'Beefeater' dedicated 
to caring for the Tower's unique Unkindness of Ravens.


By the way, the raven stands for wisdom and cleverness in the indigenous 
mythologies of the North American Pacific Northwest.


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