LL-L 'History' 2006.07.13 (01) [E]

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Thu Jul 13 14:33:28 UTC 2006

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

L O W L A N D S - L * 13 July 2006 * Volume 01

From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.07.12 (02) [E]

    From: R. F. Hahn
    Subject: History

    As for words with "Dutch," there isn't anything negative I can think of in Low
    Saxon dialects of Germany. Below is what I wrote about this a while back.
    Besides what I wrote then, there is also a type of sailing vessel that is called
    _Hollanner_ (as in "The Flying Dutchman").

I recall reading in a maritime history book long ago, that in the original tale
the "Flying Dutchman" was a "Deutschman"; a German captain who swore he would
round the Cape (either of Good Hope or Horn depending on the version) even if he
had to sail till the Crack of Doom.  So he's still out there.
Oddly, the name of the captain was said to be something like Vanderdekken, which
sounds more "Dutch" than "Deutsch"!
Paul Finlow-Bates


From: 'Global Moose Translations' <globalmoose at t-online.de> 
Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.07.12 (06) [E]

Ron wrote:
>_Hollender_ () ~ _Hollander_ ():
>(1) person of, from or with ancestry in Dutch-speaking areas
>(2) tenant dairy farmer (mostly in Mecklenburg and Pomerania)
>(3) Dutch-style windmill
>(4) wooden skate with a metal gliding edge
>(5) Dutch-style clog (wooden shoe) -- in some dialects also called _klomp_
>or _klump_ (< Dutch _klomp_), as opposed to "indigenous" _hulten
>_holten TÃ1/4ffel_ ("wooden slipper") with a leather upper, surviving in
>form of Scandinavian clogs

There's another one:
6) a children's vehicle, similar to a go-cart, but with a handle that you
had to pump up and down to get the thing moving. I don't think they make
them any more.

>We have to bear in mind that in those days the vast majority of people
could not
>read and write, and this includes most political leaders.

I can think of only one who comes close these days... maybe because his
father only taught him to read his lips.

>I understand that it did not become truly customary for rulers and their
>to be literate until the end of the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. In
>Britain, I believe, it was definitely in place by the Tudor era. Then,
>II was probably at the forefront of women with considerable learning,
>foreign languages.

I know that longevity seems to run in the Queen's family, but as far as I
know, she's barely eighty...

Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: History

Oh, yes, yes, Gabriele!  I meant Elizabeth I, the "Virgine Queene" (1558-1603). 


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