LL-L 'Delectables' 2006.07.20 (03) [E]

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Thu Jul 20 15:08:50 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 20 July 2006 * Volume 03

From: Lone Olesen <istranza at yahoo.dk>
Subject: LL-L 'Delectables' 2006.07.13 (08) [E]

Hello to all,

R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Subject: Delectables
> LS
> _Spinn(en)kees'_, G _Spinnenkäse_, literally
> "spider cheese." Its more correct
> but not popular name LS _Milbenkees'_, G
> _Milbenkäse_, literally "mite cheese,"
> doesn't sound all that much more inviting, I think.
> It has a relative in Oviedo
> (Asturian _Uviéu_), Spain.

This reminds me of the Sardinian 'casu marzu' (rotten
cheese). The cheese fly (piophila casei) lay eggs in
sheep milk during the process, or you add some
larva... They are long and creamcoloured, and the
greatest delicacy is considered to eat it all while
the larva are still alive inside.
In the old days, when people did not know the
connection, some thought these larva 'came from the
milk' and not the fly.
The odd thing is we find a live cheese distusting -
but would happily eat the soft cheese where mold and
funghi are a part of the process :-)

rgds, Lone

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