LL-L 'Sports' 2006.06.21 (03] [E]

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Wed Jun 21 19:14:11 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 21 June 2006 * Volume 03

From: 'Mark Dreyer' <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Sports' 2006.06.20 (06] [E]

Dear Ed & All

Subject: LL-L 'Sports'

> Soccer is a sport for people who are not smart enough to understand
> baseball.

Are we talking about rounders here?

A propos of AR football, there HAS as to be a game for Aussies to play when
they're sober & watch when they're drunk

It reminds me of what Haraun al Rashid's ambassador to the court of
Charlemagne reported to his king about jousting, "Too daintie for sport &
too bloodie for warre." OK, I know it's anachronistic, but it's an OLD

Anyhow speaking as a partisan of ordinary rules rugby, everybody knows that
American Football players are wuses. American who aren't wuses go & play
with the Canadians - hockey.



From: Floor en Lyanne van Lamoen <fvanlamoen at planet.nl>
Subject: LL-L 'Sports' 2006.06.20 (06] [E]

> From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
> Subject: LL-L 'Sports' 2006.06.20 (05] [E]

> Soccer is a sport for people who are not smart enough to understand
> baseball.

Dear Ed,

How much I love oneliners!!

In this country (the Netherlands that is) it is usual that after a soccer
match experts discuss things they have seen, and it is not unusual that such
a TV-program lasts for an hour or more. In bookstores these days there are
numerous books about soccer, one of them is a scientific explanation how a
penalty kick can be shot best. Do you understand why four of the coaches in
the World Cup are Dutch?

I love the game of soccer though, and I like baseball much as well. I
remember that in the beginning of the 1980s we visited Iowa with our youth
orchestra. One day we played a friendly soccer match USA - the Netherlands.
It didn't take long, because it wasn't really a match. We also played
baseball or a variant, again not really a match.

Kind regards,

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