LL-L "Folklore" 2006.03.07 (06) [E]

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Tue Mar 7 21:43:51 UTC 2006

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 07 February 2006 * Volume 06

From: Larry Granberg <nibwit at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2006.03.01 (09) [E]

enough with the folklore about getting sued!


From: Global Moose Translations
Subject: LL-L "Diversity" 2006.03.01 (07) [A/E]

Ron wrote:
>Now, take care, and don't get hit by lightning! Remember:
>Vor Eichen sollst du weichen. (You must keep away from oaks.)
>Buchen s! ollst du suchen. (You must seek out beeches.)

Unfortunately, there is no truth in this old folk saying... the verse is
just put this way so it will rhyme. Beech trees are even more dangerous
during a thunderstorm because they are often higher than oaks, and therefore
stand out more. In case of lightning, it is recommended to crouch low in a
semi-fetal position.

Ron, you're an American now, you should know you could easily get sued for
millions for this kind of advice!

Gabriele Kahn 

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