LL-L 'Member news' 2006.09.15 (02) [E]

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Fri Sep 15 14:29:16 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 15 September 2006 * Volume 02

From: 'Mark Dreyer' [mrdreyer at lantic.net]
Subject: LL-L 'Member news' 2006.09.12 (02) [D/E]

Dear List,

Just to tell you that Mark is much better, and to thank you for all your
concern. He is off the ventilator since Tuesday, and is more awake and
stronger each day.

Today he was happily conversing with whomever was in hearing range, and
cracking up the nurses with his high-worded demands and Victorian
politeness. (There are a couple of nurses who can't get close to him without
starting to giggle.) Now that his glasses have arrived in the ICU, as well
as a book, I rather hope he will be able to entertain himself so the sisters
can have a cup of tea occasionally...

He should be out of ICU and into the general ward tomorrow.

Yours truly,


From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Member news

Hello, Ruth, and thanks for the update!

Great news!  Now that sounds much more like our Mark.  

Apparently he and I are birds of a feather with regard to entertainment value in
medical establishments.  (I suppose they have it coming, especially when they
liberally dispense their "happy juice.")  Please tell Mark not to throw his
pearls to the nurses but to save some and throw them to the Lowlanders.

Do you have any idea how long he'll be away from the computer?

Please say hi to Mark.  And thanks again.  Take care of yourself!


P.S.: Shooting our Mark?! Sheesh!

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