LL-L 'Member news' 2006.09.30 (02) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Sat Sep 30 20:43:27 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 30 September 2006 * Volume 02

From: Arthur Jones [arthurobin2002 at yahoo.com]
Subject: LL-L 'Member news' 2006.09.29 (01) [E]

Hoy laaglaners,
Mark and Ruth are reunited, our meditations have been heeded, their spiritual
family can now go get some rest and relaxation. What wonderful news.
Now, to the hard part: HOw many more of our brothers and sisters must be hurt;
how many more taken away; how many more be mourned; how many perish even short of
the grotesque toll of war?
Can we not address the authorship of this vile, unwitting, low violence?
Is this not the proper point in time?
Welcome back.

Lowlands-L <lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net> wrote:

    From: 'Mark Dreyer' [mrdreyer at lantic.net]
    Subject: LL-L 'Member news' 2006.09.26 (04) [E]

    Dear All:

    Subject: LL-L 'Member news'

    Well. I'm out. The Doctor told me on Monday that if I continued to progress
    I had, he might consider discharging me on Friday. But this Thursday morning
    on his rounds he found me sitting beside the bed writing a letter, & said,
    Hell: Go home!

    So here I am. Ruth reports that I was the Life & Soul of the party, but I
    don't remenber, only that as I was signing out of Intensive Care after my
    first op the matron nudged me in the back, & said, "Ask the doctor for a
    beer - in German."
    Deferring to an impression culled from his build & physiognomy I called out
    as he was leaving, "Herr Doktor Doktor, woss vun a kalte lager?"
    The man turned & addressed me in a proem of pure Bayerisch (which I
    do, let alone quote), that if I went up Lynnwood Road behind the main campus
    gate of Tukkies, there was a fine stube where he, personally, would stand me
    one he wasn't ashamed to offer a Munchner. I'm sure he would. Of course, he
    was addressing me, but the chaff was directed at the staff, all the nurses
    were rocking around, banging into walls & hanging on each other, in fits of
    giggles. That was the last time I was funny. I was passing into the 'only
    when I laugh stage' & fearfully tender, as I still am, of my tummy muscles.
    Tell me no jokes, & on this subject, Ron, my seconds will see you, about a
    certain cartoon...
    As it happens, Dr Scharf was the premier battlefield surgeon through the
    Border War, & thanks to currant conditions in South Africa, has kept his
    hand well in. Isn't Scharf a good name for a surgeon?
    I'm happily lurking guys. God bless you all & thanks for your prayers &


    From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
    Subject: Member news

    Welcome home, Mark! It's great to have you back.

    The hospital has returned to being its dull, dreary self, and you will no doubt
    be missed there. (I bet they wouldn't be able to handle you and me at the
same time.)

    OK, no jokes from me to you for a while.

    But promise us to obey the doctors' and Ruth's orders! No chopping wood and
    reroofing the house for the time being! And don't give Ruth a hard time! She's
    been a sweetheart in your absence.

    Keep up the good progress!

    Love to both of you.


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