LL-L "Travels" 2007.08.01 (04) [E]

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Wed Aug 1 20:27:29 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  01 August 2007 - Volume 04


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Travels

Dear Lowlanders,

Our Travel Project (lowlands-l.net/travels/), too, receives gradually
increasing international attention, and I urge you to help develop it

Interestingly, Andrys' article about St. Jacob's Travel appears to attract
most attention. Tom's article about Edinburgh, Jonny's about Hadeln and
Gary's about Berlin are up there too, and Pat's about Berney Arms gets a lot
of hits from the UK. Among mine, the one about Ballin-Stadt seems to be most
visible, but "foodies" seem to have begun to discover those about traveling
and eating.

Please scroll down to "New" to find shortcuts to these pages. For
language-related pages please click on "Things to Say."

Please also note the little language-related vignettes (in a green box) I
try to add to the pages.

Please do not be discouraged or intimidated by what is posted already. I
cannot stress enough that long and elaborate articles, though welcome, are
not supposed to be the norm. In fact, the majority of people prefer reading
short ones. It may be as simple as suggesting to visit X if you are in Y, or
to pack A rather than B when you visit C.  Any sort of tip is welcome,
especially a tip that is less likely to be found in commercial publications.
Language assistance is available.

But, yes, elaborate articles are welcome and appreciated. If you plan to
write them, feel free to write in a "dry" style or in a lively, personalized
style.  It's up to you. Pat's article about Berney Arms is a good example of
plain and concise yet not boring style. Examples of more "chatty" styles are
Tom's article about Edinburgh and my articles. The others probably fall into
the "happy medium" category.  And this isn't the extent of it.  Feel free to
show your own personalities! It's supposed to be fun.

If you are a photographer or artist, feel free to send pictures of your
special places with at least some explanatory words for captions. That in
itself serves as travel recommendation. If you wish, we can double-post them
at the Travel site and at the Gallery site (lowlands-l.net/gallery/).

And, yes, you may publish your articles anonymously if you prefer. Just let
us know.

You will retain copyright of your works, just give us permission to publish
them for this particular purpose.

Thanks for your participation past and future!




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