LL-L "History" 2007.06.03 (08) [E]

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Mon Jun 4 05:36:10 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  03 June 2007 - Volume 08


From: john welch <sjswelch at yahoo.com.au>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.06.03 (03) [E]

>From Marcel "Most Indo European gods got their names from already known
words and terms that characterised these gods."
Yes, the PIE root would attract the deity name. The exact sequences are
probably unknown. But with the IE language "conveyor-belt" linking the
steppes with Europe, the Danu culture appears to have been associated with
other features of Brahmins. (Again, the sequence is unknown). Ireland has
apparent linga stones of kings, like Shiva lingas, and possibly Tara kingdom
is amid 4 other kingdoms in the form of Brahmin mythic Mount Meru built as
Angkor Wat in Cambodia for Brahmin rulers from Scythian-Greek Punjab.  Danu
river-goddess has temples in Bali Indonesia, where any tower structure is
called "Meru".
Possibly, generic brahminism ("to praise") is seen in Saxon bremen Dryhten
meaning "holy Lord". Scythians evidently reached Biskupin in Poland 500 BCE
and Celtic Hungary 450 BCE . Brahmi script for Devanegari texts was promoted
at that time in Syria.



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