LL-L "History" 2007.03.25 (08) [E]

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Mon Mar 26 04:13:09 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L - 25 March 2007 - Volume 08


From: sjswelch at YAHOO.COM.AU

Hullo from new member,
 My inquiry is about Saxon origins, and why Baltic German is different from
the south. Could Saxons be Scythians? Ukrainian Scythians raided Biskupin in
Poland 500BC, and their Tauri tribe were pirates in the Black Sea. Perhaps
they became cavalry and pirate elites on the Baltic and moved to Jutland.
 Persian /Sanskrit braman(i)ya means "reverently" as in OSwed. bram "
state.pomp", Russian/Polish/German bram "ship top-mast" for admirals' and
state flags and OE breme "high.famous.noble". Thus the word is seen in the
Baltic and probably connected with pirates.  Swed. plas bram means "plush
binding", which suggests Persian flags with gold braiding,binding and
jewels. The top-"gallant" mast is from Fr. galloner "braiding, binding",
suggesting the flag.  As Norse dragon means "boat" and is Celtic "leader",
then the dragon on the helmet of the chief at Sutton Hoo boat-burial may
indicate the title "Draca".drache.
 Would the term " bram draca" be a likely expression. Could it mean a pirate
 John Welch


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: History

Hi, John!

Welcome on board!  Nice to see you joining us from Old Oz.




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