LL-L "Language politics" 2008.08.28 (05) [E]

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Thu Aug 28 23:14:33 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L - 28 August 2008 - Volume 05
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From: Brooks, Mark <mark.brooks at twc.state.tx.us>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2008.08.28 (03) [E]

Mike, I can certainly understand what you mean about 25 or more languages.
I can also understand the EU's desire to have a common language for everyday
operation of the organization.  But, to limit employment to native speakers
of English seems crazy to me.  Sure, I can understand a requirement that all
employees must speak the common language, but to require native speakers
seems to eliminate some of the most capable people in the work force.
Specifically in the case of the EU, it restricts, for all practical
purposes, employment to people from Ireland and the UK.

If I understand it correctly, I would qualify to work for the EU (if I met
all the other requirements of the job), when someone from a member state
wouldn't, because they don't qualify as a native speaker of English.  Maybe
I should check their list of job openings, huh?

Mark Brooks



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