LL-L "Etymology" 2008.12.07 (04) [E]

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L O W L A N D S - L - 06 December 2008 - Volume 04
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From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology"

Beste Ron,

You wrote:

In actual fact *-hard* (~ *-hardt* ~ *-hart*) does belong to the "hard"
group which in early times had the additional meaning 'bold', 'audacious',
'intrepid', 'brave', 'strong'.

It occurs in numerous men's names, such as Adalhard, Bernhard, Bogohard,
Burghard, Cynhard, Eberhard, Eginhard ~ Einhard, Ekhard, Erhard, Gerhard,
Meinhard and Willhard.

Don't want to spoil your party, but I seem to recall that -hard, once it got
into French/Frankish hands, seriously deteriorated *s*. I mean, all those
nouns ending on -ard, when they were reintroduced in England bore a negative
meaning. What to say about:

stinkard, drunkard, braggard, dullard, sluggard, bastard, laggard,

However, maybe the original idea was not necessarily to create a pejorative
noun, but rather to emphasize a certain quality, be it good or bad. I guess,
the suffix "hard" was just meant to act like some sort of superlative.
Hence, "Ron" would be the one who is "reigning hard", "the supreme
ruler"...yes, the kahuna *s*.

Kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Thanks, Luc ... I think.

So French *-ard* does indead come from Germanic *-hard* and then came to be
imported back into Germanic (Dutch and English)?

Hence, "Ron" would be the one who is "reigning hard", "the supreme
ruler"...yes, the kahuna *s*.

Tsk, tsk ... You may call me pretty much anything you like, but leave the
Kahuna out of it! Besides, he's not the ruler. That would be an *ali'i*. The
Kahuna has you know that a *kahuna* is a spiritual leader. Most people don't
know that, though, so he asked me to tell you he forgives you.

Me ke aloha!




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