LL-L "Mailings" 2008.12.18 (01) [E]

Lowlands-L List lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Thu Dec 18 22:05:53 UTC 2008

L O W L A N D S - L - 18 December 2008 - Volume 01
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 From: f.vanbrederode at home.nl
Subject: LL-L "Mailings" 2008.12.17 (03) [E]

 Diederik Masure wrote:
Recently I often receive the same LLL mail twice, I was wondering if this
was a glitch with my provider or if everyone is having this? F.ex. now I had
3 new LL mails, but the last 2 ones were completely identical.

Greetings, Diederik

Ron you answered that this is an odd situation. Well as a matter of fact it
so happens that I also receive LL mails twice now and than, There does not
seem to be a rule. Just this one: it's always LL mails. It does not bother
me, but since the question was raised…..
Fred [van Brederode]


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Mailings

Thanks a lot, Fred.

All I can think of is that it's some sort of stutter in the workings of the
list server. I know that occasionally, also in ordinary e-mail, one gets an
automated message saying that a sent message has not been delivered due to
problems at the receiving end. When I send my message again the recipient
tells me that he or she got it the first time. So I imagine that something
like that is at play, and the list server is extra eager.

If this is a real, widespread problem I will have to bring it up with the
folks at LINGUIST.

By the way, folks, some of you apparently beat their heads against the wall
trying to change their subscription configurations, typically changing it to
digest mode or to "no-mail" mode. If it doesn't work for you, please just
write to me and ask me to do it for you. It's no big deal at my end.

Also, when you take some time off during which you do not wish to receive
LL-L mail, please simply write to me and give me the dates between which you
want to receive no mail. I'll put it into my calendar and will take care of
putting you on and taking you off vacation (no-mail) mode. So please feel
free to tell me well in advance, or on the day of your departure. It makes
no difference to me.

I imagine that several of you are going to travel during the Christmas, New
Year and Hanukka season.


¡Felices Posadas a nuestros queridos amigos mexicanos!

Для того, щоб наші дорогі друзі, які Східної православної найкращі побажання
з нагоди Дня Святого Миколая!

Нашим дорогим друзьям, которые являются Восточным Ортодоксом, наилучшие
пожелания по случаю Дня Святого Николаса!

За наше драге пријатеље, који су Источне православне, најбоље жеље поводом
Дана Св Николе!

За нашите скъпи приятели, които са Източна православни, най-добре желае по
повод Деня на св. Николай!

Pentru a ne dragi prieteni, care sunt ortodocsi de Est, cele mai bune urări
cu ocazia zilei de Sf. Nicolae!

To our dear friends, who are Eastern Orthodox, best wishes on the occasion
of Saint Nicholas Day!
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