LL-L "Lexicon" 2010.05.29 (01) [DE-EN-NDS]

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Sat May 29 17:58:53 UTC 2010

*L O W L A N D S - L - 29 May 2010 - Volume 01*
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From: Hannelore Hinz  <HanneHinz at t-online.de>

Subject: LL-L "Lexikon" 2010.05.28 (03) [EN]

Leiw' Lowlanners,

*Swoelk, Tuurnswoelk*

Zu den Schwalben (Swoelk) werden in der Mundart auch Vögel aus anderen
Familien gezählt: *Nachtswoelk *Nachtschwalbe, *Muer-, Pierd'-, Spir-,
Stein-, **Tuurnswoelk(en) *Mauersegler, apus apus: *Thurnswölk,
Tormschwaelk, Tuurnswoelken, Tormswoelk.*

Tuurnul f. :Schleiereule; Swoelkenblaum, Swäwelkenblaum f. :

Swäwelkenblaum so benannt, weil es im Mai und August/September blüht, wenn
die Schwalben zu- und abziehen. Lit.: Wossidlo/Teuchert

Angaben von unserem Ron:  NDS "Muurseiler"? ingelsch "swift", nedderl.

["Gierswulk"], freesch "toerswel" ["Toornswulk"], däänsch "mursejler",
noorw.  "tårnsejler" ["Toornseiler"]), ick dank di Ron.

Wünsche allen einen erholsamen Sonntag.



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon

Dank di, Hanne.

Folks, let me just add that in Hanne’s Mecklenburg Low Saxon dialect region,
as also in the region along the Lower Elbe, the sequence that in other
dialects is [ɔˑʊɐ̯] (written *oor*) is pronounced [uːɐ̯] and is written *uur
*, hence *Tuurn* for *Toorn* ‘tower’.

This is because syllable-final *-r* is realized as a vowel [ɐ̯] (much as it
does in British English and in Northern German) and these particular
dialects do not permit triphthongs (three vowels within the same syllable):

eer [ɛˑɪɐ̯] => ier [iːɐ̯] (e.g. Peerd = Pierd ‘horse’)
oor [ɔˑʊɐ̯] => uur [uːɐ̯] (e.g. Ohr = Uhr ‘ear’)
öör [œˑɪɐ̯] => üür [yːɐ̯] (e.g. höör! = hüür! ‘hear!’)

Regards, and in the USA happy Memorial Day weekend!
Seattle, USA

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