Aztec pregnancy

SPoole8257 at SPoole8257 at
Mon Nov 22 22:22:36 UTC 1999

Dear Neteros:

There is an assertion that is rather often made about the image of Our Lady
of Guadalupe of Mexico, that is, that the black belt around the Virgin's
waist was a Nahua symbol of pregnancy.  I have searched various sources from
Sahagun to Soustelle to more recent ones and have not found mention of such a
custom.  Has anyone ever encountered this?

It has also been said that this custom was the source of the Spanish word
"encinta," meaning pregnant, despite the fact that it is derived from Latin
and has cognates in both French and Italian.

Incidentally, the belt was originally purple and has turned black with time.

Stafford Poole
SPoole8257 at

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