
r. joe campbell campbel at INDIANA.EDU
Sun Aug 8 18:55:25 UTC 2004


   My limitations in knowledge of culture and history frequently act as
roadblocks in morphological analysis.  The current one is "cuacuilli".
I know that it refers to older priests and I have certainly entertained
the that it has the morphological composition "cua:itl-cui-l-tli" and
might derive from a particular role that this group of priests had -- that
of receiving (catching and disposing of) the head of a decapitated
sacrificial victim.  Is this just fanciful speculation or is there
something to it?

   Further, it frequently occurs in combination with "te-" and seems to
refer to idols.  Is there any reason not to assume that the "te-" is the
morpheme "tetl"?

   ...and the use of "tozcatecuacuilli" to refer to the uvula (reminding
me of "texolotl" in reference to 'pestle')...?

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated,


p.s.  Here are the relevant occurrences from the Florentine Codex:

1. *cihuacuacuilli*..
      ciuaquacuilli (b.2 f.13 p.211). 
2. in *cihuacuacuilli* itequiuh catca, in ixquich huentli, in
     oncan monequia, atenchicalcatl, in xochitl, in iyetl inic
     quitlamaniliaya toci huel ixquich in ontlamanaya in cihua
     in ihcuac nahualoya.
      the function of the ciuaquacuilli was [to assemble] all
     the offerings which were required there at the temple of
     atenchicalcan [toci] -- the flowers, the tobacco, which
     she laid before toci; verily, all the things which the women
     offered when the handholding dance was danced. (b.2 f.13
3. yehuatl mochi itequiuh catca, in *cihuacuacuilli*..
      all this was the function of the ciuaquacuilli. (b.2 f.13
4. *cihuacuacuilli* iztac cihuatl..
      ciuaquacuilli iztac ciuatl (b.2 f.13 p.211). 
5. in *cihuacuacuilli* iztac cihuatl zan no ompa tlapiaya, ompa
     tlamocuitlahuiaya in atenchicalcan ihuan ipan tlatohuaya
     in tlachpanaliztli in tletlaliliztli,.
      the ciuaquacuilli iztac ciuatl also kept watch there, took
     care there at [the temple of] atenchicalcan and issued directions
     for the sweeping, the laying of fires. (b.2 f.13 p.211). 
6. ihuan in aquin ompa monetoltiaya, yehuatl conilhuiaya in *cihuacuacuilli*
     iztac cihuatl,.
      and any who made vows there spoke to the ciuaquacuilli
     iztac ciuatl. (b.2 f.13 p.211). 
7. quintozahuiya tlamacazque: ihuan in *cuacuacuilti*, yehuan
     in ye huehuetque tlamacazque..
      the offering priests and the quaquacuiltin, those who were
     old offering priests, made them keep the vigil. (b.2 f.1
8. auh ye inmac in huehuentzitzin *cuacuacuilti*, calpolhuehuetque:.
      and they were in the hands of the old men, the quaquacuilti,
     the old men of the calpulli. (b.2 f.1 p.48). 
9. auh in ye iuhqui, niman ic quicuania in *cuacuacuilti*:.
      and when this was done, then the old priests took away
     [the offerings]. (b.2 f.3 p.81). 
10. nohuiyan quiza in izquican teteopan, quiyacantinemi in *cuacuacuilti*..
      he went everywhere, to all the temples; the old priests
     went ahead of him. (b.2 f.4 p.83). 
11. tlapalehuia in *cuacuacuilti*, no yehuantin tlapalehuia,
     in tetlepantlazque..
      the old priests helped; also those who cast [victims] into
     the fire helped. (b.2 f.6 p.112). 
12. niman ic conantihuetzi, conhuilantihuetzi, in *cuacuacuilti*,
     quihualteca techcac,.
      then the old priests quickly seized him; they quickly drew
     him forth. they stretched him out on the offering stone.
     (b.2 f.6 p.115). 
13. auh inic concahua ichan: caantihui, quitzitzitzquitihui iiacolpan;
     in *cuacuacuilti*: omentin,.
      and thus they left him at his home; two old priests went
     grasping him; they went holding him by the arm. (b.2 f.6
14. quincuicatlaxilitihui in *cuacuacuilti*,.
      the old priests went intoning a song for them. (b.2 f.7
15. quinnotza quincentlalia in tlamacazque, ihuan quinnotza in
     *cuacuacuilti*, ihuan quincentlalia in nanti, in tati, in
      he summoned, he assembled the priests, and he summoned
     the headtaking priests, and he assembled the [well]-mothered,
     the [well]-sired ones, the old men. (b.3 f.4 p.61). 
16. notzalo in tlamacazque huehuetque, in intoca *cuacuacuiltin*:
     iehuantin caquitilo: auh yehuantin quicaquitia in tlamacazqui,
     in mitoa quetzalcoatl: ipampa amo campa tepan calaqui, ca
     mahuizyo, ca tlamauhtia iuhquinma teomacho:.
      the old priests, whose names were quaquacuiltin, were summoned;
     these were informed, and they informed the priest called
     quetzalcoatl; because nowhere did [the latter] enter [any]one's
     house, for he was venerated, feared, considered as a god;
     (b.6 f.17 p.210). 
17. auh ce tlacatl *cuacuilli* teyacantiuh,.
      and leading them went a man, an old priest. (b.2 f.3 p.81). 
18. ihuan ce *cuacuilli* conquechpanoa, ayauhchicahuaztli:.
      and an old priest bore upon his shoulders the mist rattle
     board. (b.2 f.4 p.85). 
19. auh in *cuacuilli*, in ihuehueyo, itoca: teohua, mocuitlacueptinemi,
     in conitta,.
      and the old priest, [the god's] old man, named teohua [the
     god's keeper], kept going back to look upon [the cornmeal
     on the mat]. (b.2 f.7 p.128). 
20. chalchiuhtli icue acatonal *cuacuilli*..
      the old priest of chalchiuhtli icue acatonal (b.2 f.13
21. in chalchiuhtli icue acatonal *cuacuilli*, ipan tlatoaya
     in huentli, quitzatziliaya in ixquich itech monequia, in
     yehuatl chalchiuhtli icue in ipan miquia, in ococalcueitl,
     in acueitl: ihuan in ixquich in amatl, in copalli, in olli,
     ihuan in oc cequi..
      the old priest of chalchiuhtli icue acatonal issued directions
     about the offerings [and] made public announcements about
     all that [the impersonator of] chalchiuhtli icue required
     at the time that she died: the pine nut skirt, the water
     skirt, and all the paper, the incense, and so forth. (b.2
     f.13 p.214). 
22. ayatle onyetiuh tletl quin yehuatl quimatia in yehuatl *cuacuilli*
     in campa monequiz in tlemaitl..
      not yet did fire go [in the ladles]; later the old priest
     decided where the incense ladles would be required. (b.2
     f.14 p.245). 
23. auh in yehuatl, in *cuacuilli* niman quihualnahuatia, in
     nantli inic amo quixiccahuaz in iconeuh, ihuan inic amo
     tlaxiccahuaz, inic quicahuatiuh in popotl, ihuan in copalli,
     anozo tlaxipehualli, in cecempoaltica in ompa calpolco..
      and this old priest commanded that the mother not abandon
     her child because of lack of regard, and that [the child]
     not leave off, because of lack of regard, going to leave
     the brooms and the incense, or wood shavings, every twenty
     days there at the calpulco. (b.2 f.14 p.245). 
24. *epcoacuacuilli* tepictoton..
      epcoaquacuilli tepictoton (b.2 f.13 p.212). 
25. in *epcoacuacuilli* tepictoton ipan tlatohuaya in cuicatl,.
      the epcoaquacuilli tepictoton directed the songs. (b.2
     f.13 p.212). 
26. huel yehuatl quitzontequia in *epcoacuacuilli* tepictoton..
      verily, this one, the epcoaquacuilli tepictoton, passed
     judgment on [the songs]. (b.2 f.13 p.212). 
27. *epcoacuacuiltzin*..
      epcoaquacuiltzin (b.2 f.13 p.207). 
28. in *epcoacuacuiltzin*, izca in itequiuh catca:.
      the epcoaquacuiltzin: behold what were his duties. (b.2
     f.13 p.207). 
29. i *nocuacuillo*.
      my priesthood (b.2 f.14 p.224). 
30. *nocuacuillo* atl iyollo, nechhualhuicatique.
      my priests have brought me the heart of water (b.2 f.14
31. *nocuacuillo*, atl iyollo nechhualhuicatique.
      my priests have brought me the heart of water (b.2 f.14
32. auh in ye iuhqui, in oconmaqui *teccizcuacuilli*: mec hualmoquetztihuetzi
      and when this was done, when the teccizquacuilli had [donned]
     her skin, then she quickly placed herself here on the edge
     [of the pyramid]. (b.2 f.7 p.120). 
33. itoca *tecizcuacuili*, cenca chicahuac, chichicactic, ihuan
     cenca cuauhtic..
      he was called teccizquacuilli -- a very strong [man], very
     powerful, and very tall. (b.2 f.7 p.120). 
34. ihuan in ixquich pieloya techachan, in neteotiloya *tecuacuilti*,
     in ahzo cuahuitl, anozo tetl tlaxintli, mochi atlan onmotepehuaya:.
      and the statues, hewn in either wood or stone, kept in
     each man's home and regarded as gods, were all cast into
     the water. (b.7 f.2 p.25). 
35. in cohuixca, ihuan intoca tlappaneca: in za ce cohuixcatl.
     inique i, cohuixca: yehuantin in *tepecuacuilca*, in tlachmalacac
     tlaca, in chilapaneca,.
      the couixca, whose name [is] also tlappaneca -- the singular
     [is] couixcatl: these are the people of tepequacuilco, tlachmalacac,
     [and the province of] chilapan. (b.10 f.11 p.187). 
36. auh in yehuatl tlatoani: niman quinnonotza in ixquichtin
     calpixque, petlacalcatl, aztacalcatl: cuauhnahuac calpixqui,
     huaxtepec calpixqui, cuetlaxtecatl: tochpanecatl: tziuhcoacatl,
     *tepecuacuilcatl*, huappanecatl, coaixtlahuacatl, tlappanecatl,
     tlachcotecatl, matlatzincatl, ocuiltecatl, xilotepecatl,
     atotonilcatl, axocopanecatl, itzcuincuitlapilcatl, atocpanecatl,
      the ruler then consulted with all the majordomos -- the
     men of the petlacalco and of the aztacalco, the majordomos
     of quauhnauac and uaxtepec, and [those] of cuetlaxtlan,
     tochpan, tziuhcoac, tepequacuilco, uapan, coatlixtlauacan,
     tlappan, tlachco, matlatzinco, ocuillan, xilotepec, atotonilco,
     axocopan, itzcuincuitlapilco, atocpan, and ayotzintepec.
     (b.8 f.3 p.51). 
37. *tlazolcuacuilli*..
      tla‡olquacuilli (b.2 f.13 p.211). 
38. in *tlazolcuacuilli*, itequiuh catca, oncan tlapiaya, oncan
     tlamocuitlahuiaya in mecatlan,.
      the function of the tla‡olquacuilli was that he kept watch
     there, he took care there in [the temple of] mecatlan. (b.2
     f.13 p.211). 
39. *totozcatecuacuil*.
      our uvula (b.10 f.6 p.108a). 

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