Aztec Cardinal Directions

Roland Trevino cloud_jaguar at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Aug 4 22:38:35 UTC 2004

Hello all, i am wondering something about the Aztec directions:
I have seen them written like this:

1) Tlalocan -- EAST
2) Cihuatlampa -- WEST
3) Mictlampa -- NORTH
4) Huitzlampa -- SOUTH

However, i have heard them orally like this (from danzantes):

1) Tlapcopa OR Tlapcopan
2) Cihuatlalpan OR Tonataliaquian
3) Mictlalpan OR  Teotolampa (Teotlalpan)
4) Huitzlalpan OR Amilpampa


***   What exactly do these words mean -- and why the variant pronunciations?

***   Where can i find out more about these directions and the names of the 13 Aztec heavens and 9 infraworlds?

I am keenly interested in this subject and any leads / info would be greatly appreciated :)

~Roland Trevino
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