Aztec Cardinal Directions

rick dosan rich_photos at YAHOO.COM
Thu Aug 5 17:12:13 UTC 2004

In the _Códice Borgia_ (Seler, E., ed., Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico, df, 1963), it talks about the five regions, and the deities.  It's on page49-52.  The explanation by Seler, and translated into Spanish by M. Frenk, accompanies the codex in two other volumes.  You can also read what he says about the Árboles Cósmicos.  Sahagún must have a lot on what you're looking for, but I don't know exactly on what page.

Hello all, i am wondering something about the Aztec directions:
I have seen them written like this:

1) Tlalocan -- EAST
2) Cihuatlampa -- WEST
3) Mictlampa -- NORTH
4) Huitzlampa -- SOUTH

However, i have heard them orally like this (from danzantes):

1) Tlapcopa OR Tlapcopan
2) Cihuatlalpan OR Tonataliaquian
3) Mictlalpan OR  Teotolampa (Teotlalpan)
4) Huitzlalpan OR Amilpampa


***   What exactly do these words mean -- and why the variant pronunciations?

***   Where can i find out more about these directions and the names of the 13 Aztec heavens and 9 infraworlds?

I am keenly interested in this subject and any leads / info would be greatly appreciated :)

~Roland Trevino

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