
Matthew Montchalin mmontcha at OREGONVOS.NET
Fri May 21 04:28:12 UTC 2004

micc2 wrote:
|"If you have studied Classical Latin, you naturally know about stercus
|and fimum, neither of which have the slightest similarity to the Spanish
|However we do use the word "estierco"  for cow manure.

Ah, good to learn that.  (Certo alienus vel ignarus hispanicae linguae
sum, nimirum Hispanicam nescio.)

But can you suggest an etymology for kwacha?  I am grasping at straws
when I suggest things like Latin quatio (or its frequentative form
quasso).  I would only observe that the consonant found in the middle
can shift a little, as if palatalizing, perhaps even turn into ch.

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