vamonos mexicanos

Magnus Pharao Hansen magnuspharao at
Wed Jul 15 19:27:21 UTC 2009

No, Mario, those forms are ungrammatical

Contrarily to Spanish *irse *Nahuatl /yaw/ is an intransitive verb and
cannot take the object prefixes -te:ch- and -ame:ch-.

As Dr Mccafferty mentioned it would often be introduced by the particle
/ma:/ in the exhortative "let's" form and it would also as you take the
optative plural suffix /-ka:n/.

In Hueyapan Nahuatl the exhoratative of yoh /yaw/ is /ma:n tiyaka:n/ and is
also used as a greeting corresponding to Spanish "vamonos" (vamonos/man
tiyaka:n is used to greet someone who is walking).

The honorific form is made with the transitive verb /wi:ka/ "to carry" and
the exhortative would be /ma:n  ximowikaka:n/ "vayense (R)"

Magnus Pharao

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: <micc2 at>
> To: Michael McCafferty <mmccaffe at>, Kenneth Thomas <
> kthomas at>
> Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 10:53:05 -0700
> Subject: Re: [Nahuat-l] mexicah tiahui?

> Would it not be:
> Ma xitechyahuican
> ¡Vamonos!
>  or
> Ma ximechyahuican
> ¡Vallense!
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