
lahunik.62 at lahunik.62 at
Mon Jun 8 21:47:56 UTC 2009

Cuitlahuac (etymological).


R.Simeon gives us different meanings: excrement, dirt, fitth, toilet, lazy,
sloppy, his back, his kidneys, wound, tumor, abcess. CR.Andrews connects it
with one that has a tail. The long tailed animal, like the ocelot (Sah.11,1
and 16). Or like Molina 11,27r, cola o rabo de animal, o de ave.

Cuitla-tl is a radical poss. of cuitl.

Esp.: mierda (Molina).

Xixtli cuitlatl, is said of the traitor (Sah.10,38).


*       Totolin icuitl, excrement of the turkey.

*       In icuitl ololpipil iuhquiu tlaolli, its excrement is small and
round like kernels of maize (Sah.11,12)

*       In ihcuac timiquiz, maxix, mocuitl itlan tactiyaz, cuando muereraz,
en el lugar de tu orina, de tu excremento te meteras (Olmos,
Cult.Nah. ECN).

Mineral relation with an astral body:

*    Tonatiuh icuitl, gold (Sah.11,233-234)

*    Icuitl in metztli, excrement of the moon, lead (Sah.11,234), temetztli.
Cfr. Metzcuilatl, mica (Sah.11,235)

Color, como color parece referirse al pardo, el color del puma llamado
'cuitlamiztli' (Lopez Austin ECN9,222,n 16).

R.Simeon gives us the metaphor.sense too: lack.

Karttunen refers to compositions (Analytical Dictionary) in the sense of
back, his backside.

There are different nouns which refer to different meanings:

*       Cuitlapampa: the anus, the backside (Sah.11,60).

*       Cuitlapan: locatif on Cuita-tl, zone dorsale.

*       Cuitlacalli: privy, toilet, Esp: priuada, o las necessarias

*       Cuitlahuaquiliztli: excrement dry (Sah.10,138)

*       Cuitlahyac: smelling of exrement; form on ihyac and cuitla-tl

*       Cuitlaiyac: it smells dung; form on iyac and cuitla-tl

*       Cuitlapilli: Molina 11,27r, cola o rabo de animal, o de ave.




*         Black-crowned night heron; Nicticorax nycticorax (Sah.11,39)

Xoxouhqui huactli (Hern.1001)

Is also named 'tolhuactli'.

*         Laughing falcon; Herpetoheres cachinans (Sah.11,42)

White hooded hawk (Sah.5,153)

His repeated song: yecan, yecan, yecan, beautiful weather,.a signal for a
weather improvement (Sah.11,42)

Plural: huactin




         A big bird with a special cry, en Esp.'pajaro vaquero';
Herpetotheres cachinans;

Cierta ave canora, grande como la gallina; es tambien nombre de otra ave de
la misma magnitud, pero no canora Huaco (Karttunen, Analytical Dictionary) 


Lahun Ik 62

Baert Georges

Flanders Fields


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