Campbell, R. Joe campbel at indiana.edu
Fri Feb 24 18:19:44 UTC 2012


   I searched through my amate card file of the Florentine Codex and 
found these examples of the <xolopih>tli morpheme.  |8-)



1.  *cohuaxolopihtzintli*.  ano tle itlatlacol, amo tecuani zaza ye
    cohuatl: cohuaxolopitzintli, zazan molhui cohuatzintli: ayellele,
    ayeltzoyo. .  also it is inoffensive, not poisonous; an ordinary
    serpent, a stupid little snake, a very useless little snake --
    harmless, . . <co:a:tl-xolopihtli-tzin> (b.11 f.9 c.5 p.83)

2.  *tequixolopihtli*.  in tlahueliloc tepiltzin tlatlahueliloc, zan
    tlatlahueliloc, tzontetl, yollochico, yollotlahueliloc,
    cuexcochcoyoc, ahtecacqui, tlamaxacualoani, ixtotomac, ihciccala,
    topal, chamatl, ahtlanonotzalli, tequixolopitli, ahmo cana, ahmo
    quicui in nayotl, in tayotl. .  one's bad son [is] perverse,
    wicked, rebellious; a vile brute -- mad, deranged, disobedient;
    one who ignores commands; a fool, lewd, gaudy, vain, untrained; a
    dunce who accepts not, who receives not the counsel of mother
    [and] father. . <tequitl-xolopihtli +epithet> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.2)

3.  *timoxolopihcuitia*.  timoxolopicuitia: za xomolco, za tlayohuayan
    tihuetztoc. .  "thou acknowledgest thyself a fool just lying in
    the corner, in the darkness." . <p12-p54-xolopihtli-cui-caus02>
    (b.6 f.20 c.43 p.260)

4.  *tixolopihtli*.  amo no tiquechpilcatiaz, amo cenca titoloz, amo
    timonacacicquetztiaz, amo ahuic titlatlachixtiaz, amo
    tinanacaztlachixtiaz: inic amo mopan mitoz ca tixolopitli, ca
    titequimacehualli: ca acententli, ca acencamatl titlamactli,
    titequiicnopilpol: ca motequiicnopillo timaitia. .  "also thou art
    not to hang thy head, not to incline thy head much, not to stand
    up off balance, not to look sideways, not to look out of the
    corner of the eyes, lest it be said of thee that thou art an
    imbecile, very much a commoner, that thou hast not been counseled,
    that thou art very much an orphan, that thou bringest thy
    orphanhood upon thyself." . <p12-xolopihtli> (b.6 f.10 c.22

5.  *tixolopihtli*.  amo no titzatziz, inic amo tixolopitli,
    tixtotomac, timillacatl, titequimillacatl ipan timachoz: .  also
    thou art not to cry out, lest thou be known as an imbecile, a
    shameless one, a rustic, very much a rustic. . <p12-xolopihtli>
    (b.6 f.10 c.22 p.122)

6.  *tlacaxolopihtli*.  in tlahueliloc iyolloco cihuatl,
    tlacaxolopitli, totompotla, nenquizqui, nempoliuhqui, nenempotla,
    .  the bad middle-aged woman [is] foolish, stupid, useless,
    worthless, dumb. . <tla:catl-xolopihtli> (b.10 f.1 c.3 p.12)

7.  *tlacaxolopihtli*.  in tlahueliloc tepiltzin, yollotlahueliloc,
    yollochico yollonecuil, yollocuecuech, tlacaxolopitli, tlahelpol,
    tlahelconepol .  the bad noble [is] mad, a vile brute -- wicked,
    perverted, foolish, revolting; a vile child. . <tla:catl
    xolopihtli> (b.10 f.1 c.5 p.19)

8.  *tlacaxolopihtli*.  in amo cualli teichpoch: yolloitlacauhqui,
    ahuel monotza, tzontetl, cihuacuecuel, cuecuechtli cuecuetol,
    tlacapoyotl, tlacaxolopitli, .  the bad maiden [is] corrupt,
    incorrigible, rebellious -- a proud woman, shameless, brazen,
    treacherous, stupid. . <tla:catl-xolopihtli> (b.10 f.3 c.13 p.47)

9.  *tlaxolopihcachihua*.  tlaticehua, tlatlapalmictia,
    tlatlayohuallotia, tlanenecuillalia, tlaxolopicachihua,
    tlaciuhcachihua tlaixtomahua .  he paints without luster, ruins
    colors, blurs them, paints askew -- acts impetuously, hastily,
    without reflection. . <p51-xolopihtli--chi:hua> (b.10 f.2 c.8

10.  *xolopihcayotl*.  amo za tlahuanayotl caci, amo tequi
    xolopicayotl o, .  that would be but virtual drunkenness, extreme
    foolishness. . <xolopihtli-ca:tl-yoa:-l> (b.6 f.9 c.20 p.108)

11.  *xolopihcayotl*.  auh imohnica, in tepotzco xolopicayotl: a
    pillotl, coneyotl toconchihua: .  and in their absence we perform
    foolishness, babyishness, childishness. . <xolopihtli-ca:tl-yoa:
    l> (b.6 f.12 c.25 p.143)

12.  *xolopihcayotl*.  anezcalicayotl, xolopicayotl, .  imprudence,
    foolishness . <xolopihtli-ca:tl-yoa:-l> (b.6 f.20 c.43 p.251)

13.  *xolopihcayotl*.  quitoznequi: in aquin amo mozcalia, amo
    huellatoa, amo huel quichihua in tlein tequitilo: ipan nemi in amo
    nezcalicayotl, in xolopicayotl. .  it means the one who is not
    prudent, not well spoken; who does not well that which he is given
    as a task, who lives in imprudence, in foolishness. . <xolopihtli
    ca:tl-yoa:-l> (b.6 f.20 c.43 p.251)

14.  *xolopihilama*.  amo cualli citli xolopihilama, tetlayohuayan
    aquiani teohuitiliani .  the bad grandmother [is] a stupid old
    woman, a leader of others into darkness, a bad example. .
    <xolopihtli-ilamatl-trunc> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.5)

15.  *xolopihmeh*.  e. in tlateotoquiliztli, in aquimamatcahuaque, in
    xolopime, oquitzintique, in nican tlalticpac: .  e. the witless,
    the senseless began idolatry here upon earth. . <xolopihtli
    plur03> (b.1 f.3 c.Ap p.58)

16.  *xolopihti*.  ihilihuizti, xohxoloti, xolopiti, mahuilquixtia,
    ahuilquiza .  she is inconsiderate, imbecile, stupid; she brings
    dishonor, disgrace. . <xolopihtli-v01a> (b.10 f.3 c.13 p.47)

17.  *xolopihticitl*.  in amo cualli tlamatini xolopiticitl,
    xolopitli, teopilpol, piale, nonotzale nonotzqui .  the bad wise
    man [is] a stupid physician, silly, decrepit, [pretending to be] a
    person of trust, a counselor, advised. . <xolopihtli-ti:citl>
    (b.10 f.2 c.8 p.30)

18.  *xolopihtli*.  inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoaya: in amo mozcalia,
    in amo tlachia, xolopitli, amo tlacaqui: .  this saying was said
    of the untrained, the disregarded, the stupid, the one who heeded
    not. . <xolopihtli> (b.6 f.20 c.43 p.255)

19.  *xolopihtli*.  in tenan tlahueliloc, in amo cualli,
    tlacanexquimilli, xolopitli, tonalcochqui, maxixilopahuax,
    tlanempopoloani, tetlaixpachilhuiani, tetlanahualchichihuiliani,
    tetlanahualpolhuiani, .  one's bad mother [is] evil, dull, stupid,
    sleepy, lazy; [she is] a squanderer, a petty thief, a deceiver, a
    fraud. . <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.2)

20.  *xolopihtli*.  in piltontli tlahueliloc cuitlatzol quitemmatqui,
    ehtic, xocopatic, ahoompa xolopitli nextecuili, ahompa eehua,
    oolpatlachehua, cocopichcholoa, tompox poxacua, yolpoliuhqui,
    yollotlahueliloc, ahnenqui, teopoliuhqui .  the bad boy [is] lazy,
    indolent, sluggish; a lump of flesh with two eyes; a confused,
    stupid imbecile who understands things backwards, who does things
    backwards; rude, dull, pilfering, agitated; a fool, restless, full
    of affliction. . <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.3)

21.  *xolopihtli*.  in tlahueliloc in amo cualli tecpilli, ilihuiz
    tlacatl, ahmozcalia xolopitli, .  the bad, the evil noble [is]
    inconsiderate, indiscreet, stupid. . <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.1 c.4

22.  *xolopihtli*.  in xolopitli tlacateccatl tlacochcalcatl,
    tlaohuitilia, tlamictia, atoyatl tepexitl quiteittitia. .  the
    stupid commanding general, [or] general, causes trouble, causes
    death, leads one into danger. . <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.2 c.6 p.24)

23.  *xolopihtli*.  in xolopitli toltecatl, tlailihuizhuiani teca
    mocacayahuani, tlaixpachoani, iixco quizani .  the stupid
    craftsman [is] careless --a mocker, a petty thief, a pilferer. .
    <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.2 c.7 p.25)

24.  *xolopihtli*.  xolopitli, totoli: .  [he is] stupid, bird[-like].
    . <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.2 c.7 p.26)

25.  *xolopihtli*.  in amo cualli tlamatini xolopiticitl, xolopitli,
    teopilpol, piale, nonotzale nonotzqui .  the bad wise man [is] a
    stupid physician, silly, decrepit, [pretending to be] a person of
    trust, a counselor, advised. . <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.2 c.8 p.30)

26.  *xolopihtli*.  in amo cualli zoquichiuhqui, xolopitli,
    nextecuili, miccatzintli .  the bad potter [is] silly, stupid,
    torpid. . <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.3 c.12 p.42)

27.  *xolopihtli*.  xacan, xacampa, xocomicqui, tlahuanqui, tenitl,
    pinotl, chontal, xolopitli, nextecuilli, xoxolotl, xoloncuatl, .
    [she is] vain, petty, given to bad conduct; a drunkard, savage,
    torpid, [like] a foreigner, an imbecile -- stupid, feeble., .
    <xolopihtli> (b.10 f.3 c.13 p.50)

28.  *xolopihtli*.  in amo cualli tlamachchiuhqui: amozcalia,
    xolopitli, aoompa, atlachia, amo maimati, poxacuatl, nextecuili, .
    the bad weaver of designs is untrained -- silly, foolish,
    unobservant, unskilled of hand, ignorant, stupid. . <xolopihtli>
    (b.10 f.3 c.14 p.52)

29.  *xolopihtli*.  ayac ica, aquemmachoni, xolopitli: .  they are
    ignored, never regarded, stupid. . <xolopihtli> (b.11 f.20 c.7

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