lsa outreach plans

Heidi Johnson hjohnson at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Thu Feb 26 17:24:14 UTC 2004

Thanks for looking this up! I think we should go for it, and do both
a booth and a workshop or tutorial. There doesn't seem to be much
difference between workshop & symposium in their definitions. I guess
it's up to us how we want to organize the time.

Looking at last year's schedule, I found one tutorial:
Tutorial: Acoustic Analysis
Time: 1:00 - 6:30 PM
Organizers: Lisa Lavoie (Harvard U) & Ioana Chitoran (Dartmouth C)
Participants: Sharon Manuel (MIT), Janet Slifka (MIT), Stephanie
Shattuck-Hufnagel (MIT), Lisa Zsiga (Georgetown U), Ian Maddieson
(UC-Berkeley), Joyce McDonough (U Rochester), John Kingston (U MA-Amherst)

Does anyone know any of these guys, or did anyone go to this, by some
chance? They don't list paper titles, so it was probably not a series
of talks. We could write to one of them to see what they did...

All the rest of the Organized Sessions were Symposiums, a
set of (probably invited) related talks. Let's not do that. My feeling
is that while people may come and listen to talks about archiving, it's
so passive that it doesn't help motivate them to go forth and archive.

> So, it's all about "hands"--and not money.
Hands, we got.

> It's hard to imagine a bunch
> of linguists filling out Metadata forms while we pace up and down the
> seats looking for errors.
Not errors, blank lines! I think we should have yardsticks and rap people
on the knuckles. "Speaker's last names, IF you please, Professor Kaufman."

> what we're talking about is practical advice.
> The sort of thing that, at some point, will be in the School of Best
> Practice or be codified in an OLAC document.
Could we tentatively think in terms of a tutorial/workshop along the
lines of "Best Practice in Language Documentation and Archiving"?  That
Acoustic tutorial was 4.5 hours long, which is enough, surely. And also
not hard for us to fill. There were 5 workgroups last summer. If each
gets 1/2 hour, plus two 15 minute breaks (?), that's 3 hours gone. We'll
want lots of time for Q&A. And I think it would be very good to have at
least a couple of exemplars, like Jeff's Bantu Corpus experience.

And Debbie Anderson wrote:
> FYI: I am thinking about doing a session on writing systems and Unicode.
> Bill Bright suggested the idea and I have already three speakers who have
> agreed to participate. Bill said he'd moderate. I would hope such a
> session -- if approved -- would not conflict with OLAC or other similar
> "best practices" session but would rather be part of a "track," if this is
> possible.
So we must be assertive in making sure they don't schedule us at the same
time as this session. It would be really nice if we could have some cross-
resonances of some kind, say a bit about Unicode and writing systems in the
Resource Creation section?

I'm going to be in Australia for the last 2 weeks in March, but I can help
write abstracts and all that first 2 weeks of April. And I'll definitely
to the PARADISEC people about getting them involved in this.

Let's go for it! Outreach Ho!


> Here's the info about "sessions" I pulled off of the LSA's web site
> (specifically: They're
> free--but require abstact writing, etc. They can go from 1 1/2-3 hours.
> <quote>
> D. Organized Sessions
> Organized sessions typically involve more than one scholar  and are
> expected to make a distinctive and creative contribution  to the meeting.
> Proposals  for organized  sessions are NOT reviewed anonymously. These
> sessions may  be:
> 1. Symposia which include several presentations on a  single topic
> 2. Workshops focused on a specific theme or issue
> 3. Tutorials which give intensive instruction in some  subfield of
> linguistics or a related field
> 4. Colloquia which include a major presentation with  one or more invited
> discussants
> 5. Sessions of any other kind with a clear, specific,  and coherent
> rationale.
> The organizer(s) must supply the information requested on  the organized
> session submittal form, which is available  from the  LSA Secretariat.  In
> addition,  the organizer(s) must submit the following:
> 1. A preliminary version of the proposal including 500-word  abstracts for
> each presenter by 15 April 2004, to be  sent to the Program  Committee for
> comments  and suggestions.
> 2. A fully detailed proposal (typically 2-5 pages) which  includes the
> purpose, motivation, length (1 1/2 - 3 hours),  and justification  for
> the session;  the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all
> participants,  including discussants;  and a complete account, including
> timetable, of what  each participant will do. The Program Committee
> reserves  the  right to select  participants and  discussants.
> 3. A 1-page description of the organized session for  publication in the
> Meeting Handbook.
> 4. If appropriate, a short abstract of each participant's  presentation.
> Organizers must submit a first version of the written proposal  by 15
> April 2004 in order to receive comments and suggestions  from the  Program
> Committee.  The deadline for the final version of written proposals is  1
> September 2004.
> </quote>

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