LSA Annual Meeting Albuquerque 2006, initial invitation list

Heidi Johnson hjohnson at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Mon Mar 21 16:11:09 UTC 2005

Baden wrote:
> And that brings up another point: office hours (of various types) ideally
> should be after the tutorial if possible, rather than before. Both office
> hours and an exhibit booth should probably be advertised at the tutorial
> ...

Yes, good point. Best would be to get that Thursday afternoon slot
again. There wasn't much else going on, which is partly why we had
such a good crowd. And we should have some larger signs or posters
for both the booth and the office hours. There will be at least a
couple of places where we can put them. I'll take care of that -
just print plain signs on biggish paper.

Let's do lots of cross-referencing and better advance planning in
terms of demo/chatting opportunities at the booth. We could also
have an office hours sign-up sheet at the booth, for one-on-one
OLAC counselling?


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