LSA booth

Heidi Johnson hjohnson at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Mon Sep 26 17:58:16 UTC 2005

Dear Outreachers,

If we want to do a booth again this year (in Jan), we have to send in the

reservation form by Oct. 3rd, which is next Monday. Registration is $600.


I'm having second thoughts about doing a booth this year. I called the Hyatt

in Albuquerque and talked to the Events Concierge, who told me that they do

not have wireless access in the Exhibit Hall, so that we would have to

with the Exhibition sub-contractor for that. Last year in Oakland, that
would have

cost $350/day, for a total of at least $700. LSA ended up contracting for

access throughout the hall somehow, but I can't find out this far in advance

that will happen again. 


The total cost of the booth last year was $1036.00. With internet
connections, it

would be $1736, possibly more - we don't get the details until December. If

really want to do the booth, I will need commitments to help pay for it

Registration is $600, and I would really rather not pay it all from AILLA's

up front this time. (Getting me reimbursed was complicated - I was

out of pocket for a few months last year.) We will also need commitments

people to man the booth over the course of the weekend.


Or, we could just not do it and focus our energies and staff power on the

hours. Public areas in the hotel are supposed to have wireless; maybe we

do our projected slide show somewhere else for a few hours here and there.

(Near the registration booth? Outside our tutorial?)


What do you all think? To Booth or not to Booth; that is the question.




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