<OM>Tejalapan Zapotec

Scott Berthiaume scott_berthiaume at sil.org
Sat Mar 13 18:21:11 UTC 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beth Merrill" <beth_merrill at sil.org>
To: <nikte_ha at uclink4.berkeley.edu>
Cc: <scott_berthiaume at sil.org>; <ron_newberg at sil.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:02 AM
Subject: Tejalapan Zapotec

> Hi Rosemary --
> You asked about work done in that list of nearly extinct Zapotec
languages.  A few years back I did some salvage work on San Felipe Tejalapan
Zapotec.  I have a 500-word vocabulary, a phonology sketch, and a few other
items written up, based on some text work and vocabulary elicitation I did
there over the period of a couple of months.  The articles are scheduled to
be published on the SIL-Mexico site, but they're unfortunately bottle-necked
in the web publishing process.
> There were about 30 speakers at that time, all except one over 70, so I
would imagine that there's probably less than half that at this time.
> See you at the COOL conf. in Berkeley -- Beth

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