[parislinguists] Summer School of Serbian Language and Culture in Serbia in August

srpskijezik srpskijezik at NAROD.RU
Sat Jun 12 22:30:50 UTC 2004

Dear ParisLinguists,

I would like to inform you about the third Summer School of Serbian
Language and Culture, which is taking place from 7-27 August 2004 in Valjevo in Serbia. Please visit www.srpskijezik.edu.yu for more info.

Scholl is located in a picuresque town Valjevo near Belgrade. 60 classes of
Serbian languge, 60 classes of Serbian culture, home-stay accomodation, 3
meals a day, free materials for the classes, free Internet access,
field-trips  - everything necessary for a good language and culture
immersion is included. Read about the registration fees on the address
www.srpskijezik.edu.yu .
See you in Valjevo!

If you are not interested in learning Serbian please disregard this message.

Predrag Obucina
Project coordinator

  .      .       .         .    .  ______ ______ ______
   . FaSteST CoUrSeS oF SeRbIaN!  /_   _//_   _//_   _/
       .      .  .   .     .   .   /  /   /  /   /  /
 .      DoN'T StaY BEhiNd .    .  /  /   /  /   /  /
   .    .      .     .      .   _/  /___/  /___/  /_
http://www.srpskijezik.edu.yu  /___________________/

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