seminaire UMR 7023 27/11 : modification

aroui at TISCALI.CO.UK aroui at TISCALI.CO.UK
Fri Nov 24 09:22:11 UTC 2006

L'annonce concernant la séance du séminaire de l'U.M.R. 7023 du 27 novembre
est modifiée. La conférence d'E. Pizzuto est maintenue mais ne durera qu'une
heure et sera accompagnée d'une conférence de P. Rossini :

1. Elena Pizzuto
ISTC / CNR, Rome
"Manual-visual vs. vocal indexes in signed and spoken communication: insights
from the study of Signed Languages and language acquisition processes"

The work I will present aims to contribute to a clearer understanding
of the gesture of pointing and, more generally, of indexical
reference in human communication. Towards this end, I will consider
evidence provided by studies on spoken and signed languages, and on
the learning of such languages. I will highlight different uses and
functions that visual-manual pointing gestures may have as generic,
non linguistic attention-directing devices, and as indexes that
appear to require symbolic, linguistic abilities. I shall examine in
detail the use of pointing gesture for expressing person reference
distinctions as distinguished from demonstrative/locative reference.
I shall question unwarranted assumptions that I believe hinder both
an appropriate analysis of pointing gestures, and appropriate
comparisons with vocal indexes (e.g. deictic pronouns and
deictic-anaphoric reference systems in speech), and I will attempt to
outline a unitary approach to the problems posed by the study of
indexical reference in human linguistic and nonlinguistic

La conférence sera en français, et traduite en LSF par un interprète. Le
diaporama Powerpoint sera en anglais.

2. Paolo Rossini
State Institute of the Deaf and CNR, Rome, Italie.
"La langue des Signes Italienne: pouvons-nous l'écrire et la transcrire avec
Sign Writing?"
[pas de résumé, désolé]

Cette conférence sera en LSF, et traduite en français par un interprète.

Pour rappel, voici l'heure et le lieu de cette séance :
10h00-12h00, Université Paris VIII, 2, rue de la liberté, 93200 Saint-Denis
(métro Saint-Denis Université, ligne 13), bâtiment D, salle D 143.


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