workshop on the syntax-phonology interface in Poznan Sept 07

Tobias Scheer scheer at UNICE.FR
Tue May 8 08:51:18 UTC 2007

je me permets de porter à votre connaissance 
l'existence d'un workshop sur l'interface 
syntax-phonologie qui se tiendra au sein du 38e 
Poznan Linguistic Meeting. Le texte de l'appel 
est infra, et toutes les informations utiles se trouvent à l'adresse
(then scroll down to the sessions, which feature a description)

la date limite pour la réception des résumés est le May 18th.

Tobias Scheer

The syntax/phonology interface and beyond (in either direction)

This session is supposed to primarily address the 
issue of the syntax/phonology interface and 
papers concerning this area of linguistics will 
be given priority. Yet, as the derivational 
procedure must interface with PF somehow, 
contributions in the areas of both generative and 
formal syntax and hard core phonology are also welcome.

Typical areas of reaseach which we believe are 
interesting include (but are not limited to):
    * The linearization algorithm: what does it 
actually mean for something to be "linearized at 
PF"? And where exactly does this action take 
place in modular terms: in the syntax, in some 
interface intermundia, in the phonology?
    * PF movement: why should there be PF 
movement? What does it mean for a derivational 
stage to work with both the syntactic tree and 
the phonological content of the lexicon?
    * What should be able to be deleted at PF? 
Words, Phrases, CPs? According to which kind of phonological motivation?
    * What is the status of the 
morphology-specific part (fusion and fission) of 
Distributed Morphology in the context of the 
claim that there is no difference between 
morphological and syntactic computation?
    * Phase theory and Phase Impenetrability: can 
morpho-syntactic and phonological motivations for 
Phases be superposed? What are the arguments for 
strong and weak versions of Phase 
Impenetrability? Can the morpho-syntactic take 
according to which a Phase boundary at XP spells 
out Spec,XP only at the next higher Phase be 
extended to phonologically motivated Phases?

The format is the customary 20 min. for 
presentation and 10 min. for discussion. Please 
send your abstracts to the Conference Organisers 
at <mailto:plm at>plm at, 
following the <>submission guidelines.

Session organisers:
Tobias Scheer
Jacek Witkos

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