[sfl-large] conf érence Orin Percus ANNULEE

Bridget Copley bridget.copley at SFL.CNRS.FR
Fri Nov 27 23:48:39 UTC 2009


Malheureusement nous avons dû annuler la conférence d'Orin Percus  
prévue pour lundi le 30 novembre. Nous espérons la reporter à une date  

On Nov 25, 2009, at 9:50 , AROUI Jean-Louis wrote:

> L'UMR 7023 a le plaisir de vous convier, dans le cadre des séances  
> de son
> séminaire (http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article667),
> le lundi 30 novembre 2009
> 10h00-12h00,
> C.N.R.S., 59 rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris (métros : Guy Moquet ou  
> Brochant, ligne
> 13),  salle 159
> à une conférence de Orin Percus (Université de Nantes)
> intitulée
> « Antipresuppositions revisited »
> Résumé :
> Some syntactic structures come with an interesting condition on  
> their use:
> they require that a certain proposition p _not_ be taken for  
> granted. In
> other words, they “antipresuppose” p.  This talk updates a paper  
> from 2006
> concerned with the question of how “antipresuppositions” are  
> derived.  The
> earlier paper explored an approach due to Sauerland and Schlenker,  
> on which
> antipresuppositions do not arise compositionally but rather result  
> from a
> blocking effect: on this approach, a maxim, “Maximize Presupposition,"
> dictates that the syntactic structures in question are rendered  
> unuseable
> when alternative structures with stronger presuppositions would be
> felicitous.  In the past few years, a variety of work has appeared  
> on this
> topic, which essentially accepts that antipresuppositions result  
> from a
> blocking effect but departs from the idea that a specific “Maximize
> Presupposition” maxim is needed to account for the blocking.  This  
> talk
> follows the same line of thought.  It reviews the arguments that
> antipresuppositions result from a blocking effect, and, like much  
> recent
> work, takes the position that the blocking is due to a more general  
> principle
> governing the use of structures with scalar items.  It suggests,  
> though, that
> the principle is one that has not been discussed in the literature.
> -- 
> Jean-Louis AROUI
> Université Paris 8
> UFR des Sciences du Langage
> 2, rue de la liberté
> 93200 Saint-Denis
> http://www.umr7023.cnrs.fr/spip.php?rubrique77


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