Wokshop in the frame of CLMPS14

alain.lecomte at UNIV-PARIS8.FR alain.lecomte at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Thu Jun 30 08:35:23 UTC 2011

We inform you that in the frame of the 14th Congress
of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Sciences which will be
held in Nancy from the 19th to the 26th of July
there will be an affiliated workshop on Ludics and applications
on the 21st of July
(see: http://www.clmps2011.org/program/affiliated-program.html)
the name of which is:
rebuilding logic and rethinking language in interaction terms

The workshop will be held at:
amphithéâtre Geny, rez-de-chaussée de la Faculté de Droit (13 place
Carnot, 54000 Nancy) from 10:30 to 18:30, Thursday, July 21st


10h 30 : Presentation of the LOCI project (Alain Lecomte)
11h : Tutorial on Ludics (Lionel Vaux)
12h30 : pause lunch

14h : Towards Formal Pragmatics based on Ludics (Alain Lecomte and Myriam
15h : Applications to the web and the problem of ontologies (Christophe
16h: pause
16h 30 : Quantifiers from an interactive perspective (Christian Retoré and
 Michele Abrusci)
17h 30 : Proto-logical origins of logic (Jean-Baptiste Joinet)
18h30 : END

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