Programme RALFe 2014, 9-10 oct, Paris-8

Patricia Cabredo Hofherr [parislinguists] parislinguists-noreply at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Sun Aug 31 22:40:27 UTC 2014


*RALFe 2014
3èmes Rencontres d'Automne de Linguistique formelle : Langage, Langues 
et Cognition (RALFe 2014)*
3rd Fall meeting on Formal Linguistics: Language(s) and Cognition

9-10 oct 2014
Université Paris 8, Vincennes/St-Denis
*Room B106 (Building B)* 

*Conférenciers invités / invited speakers*

  * David Barner <> (University of
    California, San Diego)
  * Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero <> (University
    of Manchester)
  * Jenny Doetjes
  * Maria Polinsky
    <> (Harvard)

Jeudi 9 octobre / Thur 9 Oct 2014
9:00-9:20 	Accueil / Registration / Welcome
9:20-10:20 	Conférencier invité / invited speaker
*Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero <> * (University 
of Manchester)
/The diachronic rise and synchronic representation of phonological 
opacity : a case study 

10:20-10:50 	*Laurence Voeltzel* (U. Nantes)
Glide "Insertion" in Faroese
10:50-11:05 	Pause café
11:05-11:35 	*Mounir Jouini* (Université of Jendouba, Tunisia)
Tunisian Arabic superheavy syllable, an OT approach
11:35-12:05 	*Mathilde Hutin* (U. Paris-8)
How Loanwords are shaped by Phonology, how Phonology's shaped by Loanwords
12:05-12:35 	*Guillaume Enguehard* (Paris 7)
La proéminence accentuelle : types, variations et représentation
12:35-14:00 	Déjeuner / lunch
14:00-15:00 	Conférencière invitée / invited speaker
*Jenny Doetjes* 
/Determiners in classifier languages 
15:00-15:30 	*Carla Umbach* (ZAS -- Berlin)
Demonstratives generating ad-hoc kinds
15:30-15:50 	Pause café
15:50-16:20 	*Urtzi Etxeberria* (CNRS- IKER) and *Anastasia Giannakidou* 
(U. of Chicago)
Illusory specificity with Spanish algunos
16:20-16:50 	*Nora Boneh* and *Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal* (The Hebrew 
University in Jerusalem)
Non-core datives in Modern Hebrew
16:50-17:20 	*M.J. Arche* (U. Greenwich), *Antonio Fábregas* 
(IS-Universitetet i Tromsø) and *Rafael Marín* (CNRS -- UMR 8163 STL)
Towards a unified account of the ser/estar alternation with adjectives 
and participles
17:20-17:30 	Pause café
17:30-18:00 	*Lucia Tovena* and *Xiaoqian Zhang* (U. Sorbonne Paris Cité 
- Paris VII)
Preverbal temporal phrases in Mandarin Chinese
18:00-18:30 	*Claire Beyssade* (CNRS -- Jean Nicod) and *Cristel Portes* 
(U. Aix-Marseille -- LPL)
Toward a compositional analysis of the meaning of intonation in French

Vendredi 10 octobre / Fri 10 Oct 2014
9:30-10:30 	Conférencier invité / invited speaker
*David Barner* <> (University of 
California, San Diego)
/Linguistic Alternatives and Pragmatic Inference in Language Acquisition 
10:30-11:00 	*Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin* (CNRS -- UMR 7110 LLF)
Two types of MOST and distributive vs. collective readings
11:00-11:20 	Pause café
11:20-11:50 	*Olaf Koeneman* (Nijmegen) & *Hedde Zeijlstra* (Göttingen). 
_ Irregular verbal inflection and Do-support in English
11:50-12:20 	*Aurélie Guerrero* & *Fabio Montermini* (CLLE - ERSS, CNRS 
& U. Toulouse)
Are there gender morphemes in Catalan adjectives ?
12:20-12:50 	*Lyn Tieu* (ENS), *Jacopo Romoli* (U. of Ulster), *Eva 
Poortman* (Utrecht), *Yoad Winter* (Utrecht) & *Stephen Crain* 
(Macquarie University)
Boolean and non-boolean conjunction in acquisition
12:50-14:00 	Déjeuner / lunch
14:00-15:00 	Conférencière invitée / invited speaker
*Maria Polinsky* 
<> (Harvard)
/Subject preference under ergativity : syntactic explanations and 
real-time phenomena 
15:00-15:30 	*Dalina Kallulli* (U. Vienna) & *Sabine Laszakovits* (U. 
C-ing is believing : "relative pronouns" as agreeing complementizers
15:30-15:50 	Pause café
15:50-16:20 	*Nicolas Guilliot* & *Samantha Becerra-Zita* (U. Nantes)
Reconstruction in sharing constructions : a dynamic perspective
16:20-16:50 	*Nino Grillo* & *Oana Lungu* (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Investigating Locality : lessons from PR-availability
16:50-17:20 	*Magda Oiry* (UMass Amherst)
Movement all the way : French embedded "clefts"


  * *Saveria Colonna* (Paris-8 -- UMR 7023 SFL), *Sarah Schimke* (U.
    Münster), *Barbara Hemforth* (CNRS -- UMR 7110 LLF), *Juhani
    Järvikivi* (University of Alberta) & *Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck*
    (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Quels indices les
    enfants de 4 ans utilisent-ils pour interpréter un pronom
    anaphorique ? Enregistrement des mouvements oculaires pendant la
    présentation visuelle des référents
  * *Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin* (CNRS -- UMR 7110 LLF), *Emilia Ellsiepen*
    (U. Frankfurt) & *Barbara Hemforth* (CNRS -- UMR 7110 LLF)
    Distributivity, plural predication and plural quantification
  * *Marta Donazzan* (U. Cologne) & *Ana Müller* (São Paulo).
    Reduplication and distributivity in two numberless languages
  * *Patty Garet* (Paris 7 -- UMR 7110 LLF) Une étude du préfixe
    français de négation in- /[??], [i], [in]/ sélectionneur d'adjectifs
    en --/able/.
  * *Jungmin Kang* (University of Connecticut) Putting ClP in focus :
    Differences in pre- and post-nominal ClPs
  * *Philip Miller* (Paris 7 -- UMR 7110 LLF). Against Remnant Raising
    Analyses of Pseudogapping
  * *Waltraud Paul* (CRLAO, CNRS-EHESS-INALCO). Why cross-categorial
    harmony is not a principle of UG : Evidence from Chinese

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