Example Numbering in Word

Gary Holton gmholton at ALASKA.EDU
Thu Sep 18 15:48:44 UTC 2008


The tack I've taken to address this problem is to insert a hidden
sequence field just before I want the numbering to restart, and have
that hidden field start at "0", so that the next real (unhidden)
number is 1. You can do this manually by inserting a Seq field with
the appropriate label (I believe Susanna's macro uses "ex" as the
label) and then including the switches "\h \r 0". (Go to Insert|Field,
choose "Numbering" under category and "Seq" under field name.) Or you
could add the following code to Susanna's visual basic macro:

' reset numbering of example fields via hidden ex field
Public Sub ResetExamples()
   Dim fld As Field
   Set fld = ActiveDocument.Fields.Add(Selection.Range,  _
                         wdFieldSequence, "ex \h \r 0")
End Sub

Once you add that code, you can then call it from the Tools|Macros...
menu as "ResetExamples", or just assign that macro to a menu or
toolbar button.

One caveat, since this inserts a hidden field, it can be difficult to
keep track of once it has been added. If you want to delete these
hidden "reset" fields, do a select all, then right click and choose
"toggle field codes".  Those hidden fields will show up again as {SEQ
ex \h \r 0}, while the regular example numbers will be {SEQ ex },
without the switches.

Note that this approach can be extended in many ways, for example, by
including chapter numbers with your examples, etc.

Happy numbering,


Gary Holton
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Alaska Native Language Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
306B Brooks Building

Postal address:
Box 757680
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7680

Phone, fax, email:
+1 907 474 6585 [voice]
+1 907 474 6586 [fax]
gary.holton at uaf.edu

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Stephen Morey <S.Morey at latrobe.edu.au> wrote:
> Dear RNLD members,
> Some time ago I learned about Susanna Cumming's very useful Word for
> Linguists site, and learned how to do example numbering so that both
> example numbers and the references to those examples automatically
> update - very useful.
> Does anybody know whether it is possible to make the numbering start
> afresh from (1) when you have a new chapter heading, which would be a
> Heading 1 in the Word hierarchy?
> I asked Alec Coupe about this, and his response is below; but that's
> rather laborious and would be almost insurmountable with the over 1000
> examples I have in one draft grammar. Can anyone help?
> Stephen Morey
> Hi Stephen,
> I just tried putting in a section break in a document with a series of
> automatically numbered examples in order to create a new section from
> that point onward, but that did not cause the automatic numbering field
> below the break to revert to (1) when I updated the fields, e.g.
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 7
> So then I tried removing the auto numbering field from the first example
> below the section break, then selected 'insert' > 'field' etc and
> repeated the whole process of manually inserting the first
> sequentially-numbered field. This had the desired effect of restarting
> at (1), e.g.
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 1
> 5
> 6
> 7
> However, the numbers below did not update consecutively, but remained in
> sequence with those of the previous section. The only thing I could do
> to resolve this was to copy the newly created field of (1) below the
> section break and paste it over all the numbers below (1) in the new
> section, then select all > F9 to update fields. This had the desired
> effect, e.g.
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> There must be a less laborious way around this, but I don't know what it
> is, other than having the foresight to manually insert an auto numbering
> field afresh each time one starts a new chapter. I have noticed in the
> past that sometimes when I copy and paste sequentially numbering fields
> from another document, they fail to sequentialise when I update the
> fields, but am not sure why this happens unless it is connected to the
> work-around described above. If you are able to work it out, please
> share the resolution with me.
> Alec

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