Re-awakening languages: theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia's Indigenous languages

John Hobson john.hobson at SYDNEY.EDU.AU
Wed Nov 17 01:31:50 UTC 2010

> Please distribute through your networks:
> Re-awakening languages: theory and practice in the revitalisation of
> Australia's Indigenous languages
> Edited by John Hobson, Kevin Lowe, Susan Poetsch and Michael Walsh
> Sydney University Press
> ISBN:  9781920899554
> The Indigenous languages of Australia have been undergoing a renaissance over
> recent decades. Many languages that had long ceased to be heard in public and
> consequently deemed 'dead' or 'extinct', have begun to emerge.
> Geographically and linguistically isolated, revitalisers of Indigenous
> Australian languages have often struggled to find guidance for their
> circumstances, unaware of the others walking a similar path. In this context
> Re-awakening languages seeks to provide the first comprehensive snapshot of
> the actions and aspirations of Indigenous people and their supporters for the
> revitalisation of Australian languages in the twenty-first century.
> The contributions to this volume describe the satisfactions and tensions of
> this ongoing struggle. They also draw attention to the need for effective
> planning and strong advocacy at the highest political and administrative
> levels, if language revitalisation in Australia is to be successful and
> people's efforts are to have longevity.
> Order from:
> Contents, etc downloadable from:
> e=Title
> Regards,
> John
> JOHN HOBSON | Lecturer
> Coordinator, Indigenous Languages Education | Koori Centre
> Rm 214, Old TeacherĀ¹s College A22 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
> T +61 2 9351 6994 | F +61 2 9351 6924
> E john.hobson at | W
> "When you lose a language, you lose a culture, intellectual wealth, a work of
> art. 
> It's like dropping a bomb on a museum, the Louvre."
> Comment by the late Kenneth Hale, cited in The Economist (November 3, 2001). 

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