Fwd: Release of ELAN 4.3.0

Nick Thieberger thien at unimelb.edu.au
Tue Apr 10 20:38:21 UTC 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Han Sloetjes <han.sloetjes at mpi.nl>
Date: 11 April 2012 00:28
Subject: Release of ELAN 4.3.0
To: ELAN Discussion Group <elan at mpi.nl>

Dear all,

This is to announce the release of ELAN 4.3.0.
In this release we try to address the growing popularity of
MPEG4/H.264 encoding for video by adding a new media player for
Windows 7.

Here is a short list of the new features:

- multiple file export to Toolbox and Praat (multiple file import will follow)
- a new media player based on Microsoft Media Foundation supporting
.mp4 on Windows 7. On Vista this player supports .wmv files. The use
of this player is optional (it can be deactivated via the Platform tab
in the Preferences window), so it is still possible to use other
frameworks for playing these types of files.
The integration of this player into ELAN is not seamless, a few known
issues can be found in the online release notes.
- export of subtitles in LRC and TTML (Timed Text) format
- Russian has been added as a language for the user interface

A few other changes and bug fixes are:

- the "All files" option is now available in most File dialogs
- the Create Regular Annotation feature is functional again
- a problem with selecting "sendpraat" for the interaction with Praat
has been solved
- annotations on depending tiers are now correctly copied in the Copy
tier with depending tiers feature
- several fixes and improvements in the Transcription mode, the same
for the Timeseries viewer
- the participant marker in the Toolbox import with marker file is now
correctly handled
- in single file search the use of regular expressions on tiers
connected to a CV is improved

A more detailed list can be found at:

The new release can be downloaded at:

We plan to remove the media player that is labeled "Native Windows
Media Player" (Preferences->Platform/OS tab) in the near future. It
depends on a commercial software library and the player is superseded
by the Java - DirectShow player.
Please inform us if you have files that only work correctly with the
"Native Windows Media Player".

Best regards,

Han Sloetjes
-MPI for Psycholinguistics-

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