[RNLD] current work on digital data-based ling descriptions?

Rachel Nordlinger racheln at unimelb.edu.au
Sat Dec 2 23:25:03 UTC 2017

Hi Joseph,

Felicity Meakins and I embedded audio for all example sentences in the ebook version of our 2014 A Grammar of Bilinarra (de Gruyter Mouton) (by embedding the sound in the pdf using Adobe Acrobat).  The sound files are also all listed on the website https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/204142 for people working from the hard copy.  We decided not to try to link directly to the archived recordings, but all the information about where they are located is listed in the grammar and each example is included with time codes etc to indicate which part of the recording the example comes from.


Assoc Prof Rachel Nordlinger FAHA
Director, Research Unit for Indigenous Language
ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language
School of Languages and Linguistics
University of Melbourne
VIC 3010, Australia

From: Joseph Brooks <josephdbrooks at umail.ucsb.edu<mailto:josephdbrooks at umail.ucsb.edu>>
Date: Sunday, 3 December 2017 3:36 am
To: "r-n-l-d (Mailing List)" <r-n-l-d at lists.unimelb.edu.au<mailto:r-n-l-d at lists.unimelb.edu.au>>
Subject: [RNLD] current work on digital data-based ling descriptions?

Hi everyone,
I'm wondering if anyone out there is working on (or perhaps like me "very interested in but lacking the tech-know how") creating digital linguistic descriptions that link directly to the primary data, perhaps even in new and creative ways (esp including audiovisual data)? Thinking along the lines here of something inspired from a combination of Thieberger's South Efate grammar and 2009 paper + Berez(-Kroeker) Gawne & Kelly's (among others) recent work emphasizing data citation and resolvability in linguistics.

I know that some grammars have gone as far as including CDs and that there are also websites devoted to this sort of endeavor, but I'm mostly trying to find out about alternatives to those, eg the type of thing one could archive and have openly accessible.


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