[RNLD] New publication series

Peter Austin pa2 at soas.ac.uk
Wed Jul 5 11:37:55 EDT 2017

New series — Language Contexts

EL Publishing is introducing a new article series that will appear in the
journal Language Documentation and Description called 'Language Contexts'.

Language Contexts focuses on the contexts in which a language or variety is
spoken, providing social and cultural information that complements other
linguistically-focused sources (such as Ethnologue or Glottolog). Articles
will include information about the speaker population, social organisation,
cultural aspects, linguistic ecology (including multilingualism and factors
influencing language choice), language vitality, and language use and
transmission in the community, diaspora and cyberspace. Articles are
expected to normally be 5,000-7,000 words and we strongly encourage the
inclusion of images, maps and other illustrative material, especially links
to online resources and material available in repositories or archives. It
is also possible to include media samples (audio, video clips).

For more details please see
and https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/ZXg6BmSQKm4Ytx?domain=elpublishing.org or contact the editors at
elpublishing2017 at gmail.com.

Peter Austin

(for Peter Austin and Lauren Gawne, Editors, Language Contexts)

Prof Peter K. Austin
Marit Rausing Chair in Field Linguistics
Foundation Editor, EL Publishing
Department of Linguistics, SOAS
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG
United Kingdom

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