Electronic Journal: Applied Language Studies (fwd)

Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong yui at alpha.tu.ac.th
Fri Mar 31 05:58:56 UTC 2000

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Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 16:08:05 -0500 (EST)
From: Adelwisa A Weller <alagawel at umich.edu>
To: cotseal.99 at umich.edu
Cc: Philomena A Meechan <phili at umich.edu>
Subject: Electronic Journal: Applied Language Studies  (fwd)


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Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 15:21:22 -0500
From: Scott McGinnis <smcginnis at nflc.org>
To: "'councilnews-list at councilnet.org'" <councilnews-list at councilnet.org>
Subject: Electronic Journal: Applied Language Studies
Resent-Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 14:21:02 -0600
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Date:  Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:57:41 +0200
From:  Helena Valtanen <valtanen at cc.jyu.fi>
Subject:  New Electronic Journal: APPLES - Applied Language Studies

-------------------------------- Message 1

Date:  Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:57:41 +0200
From:  Helena Valtanen <valtanen at cc.jyu.fi>
Subject:  New Electronic Journal: APPLES - Applied Language Studies

APPLES - Applied Language Studies: a new journal

APPLES - Applied Language Studies is an international, refereed
electronic journal in applied language studies sponsored by the Centre
for Applied Language Studies at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland,
in collaboration with the Finnish Association of Applied
Linguistics. The journal will appear twice a year, and will include
articles in theory and methodology in applied linguistics, language
learning and teaching, language testing and evaluation, language
policy and planning, language in social life, and applied semiotics.

The working language of the journal will be English but papers and
other contributions can also be published in other
languages. Information on the editorial and publishing policies of the
journal can also be found on the home site of APPLES:
http://www.solki.jyu.fi/apples. The first issue will be out in the
late autumn 2000.

APPLES: Members of the Board

Editors in Chief
Kari Sajavaara     sajavaar at cc.jyu.fi
Sauli Takala       sjtakala at cc.jyu.fi

Editorial Consultant
Christopher N. Candlin

Editorial Secretary
Riikka Alanen      alanen at cc.jyu.fi

Editorial Board

Charles Alderson
Ellen Bialystok
Ulla Connor
Malcolm Coulthard
Norman Fairclough
Diane Larsen-Freeman
Leo van Lier
Per Linell
James Martin
Pirkko Nuolijarvi
Jan-Ola Ostman
Srikant Sarangi
Richard W. Schmidt
Elainen Tarone
Jenny Thomas
Nikolai B. Vakhtin
Marilyn Vihman
Dieter Wolff
Genevieve Zarate

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