Greetings (fwd)

David Mortensen saintchoj at
Mon May 1 05:03:23 UTC 2000

Christopher Court wrote:
> can someone help professor nguyen?  is there a hmong linguistics list in
> the US? Could somebody please send it along?
> thank you very much,
> christopher court

There is not, to the best of my knowledge, I list dedicated specifically
to hmong linguistics.  However, the is a mailing list on Hmong language
to which a couple of linguists and a bunch of Hmong interested in
various language issues subscribe.  Even though it sounds like he wants
to get in contact with the major people in the field (which he probably
won't be able to do on this list) professor Nguyen may find it useful.
Subscription information may be found at .  Since I assume he is not
subscribed to this list, I'll also send the information to him.

By the way, are there any scholars on this list who have done
substantial work on Hmong-Mien languages?  I am of course aware of Chris
Courts doctoral thesis on Iu Mien (a copy of which I just purchased from
UMI) but I wondered if there are any others?

David Mortensen         | "Men, ... You're American officers.  The
English Lit & SEA Ling  | officers of no other army in the world can
slqtn at        | make that statement.  Think about it."
saintchoj at	| --Joseph Heller, _Catch-22_

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